Перевод для "sbavate" на английский
Примеры перевода
Hai sbavato solo un po'.
It's just a little drool.
Ti sei sbavato tutto addosso.
You drooled all over yourself.
In breve, non sbavate.
In short, don't drool.
- Ti sei sbavato sul mento.
-You're drooling on your chin.
Le ho... appena sbavato addosso.
I just drooled on you.
Ti ha sbavato addosso?
Did she drool on you?
Mi hai appena sbavato addosso?
Did you just drool on me?
- Nessuno ha sbavato.
No one drooled.
Ha sbavato dappertutto.
He drooled all over it.
- Non ho sbavato, vero?
Not drooled, have I? No, you haven't.
Dimmi, perche' hai sbavato?
Now, why have you been dribbling?
Pensavo di aver sbavato
I thought I was dribbling.
Ti ha mai... spiegato una cosa parlando ai 200 all'ora mentre tu lo guardi e pensi: "Cosa?", e lui ti guarda come se ti fossi sbavata sulla camicetta?
With you, did he do that thing where he'd explain something at like 90 miles per hour, and you'd go, "What?" and he'd look at you like you'd just dribbled on your shirt?
Aspetta un attimo, e' sbavato.
- Hold on a minute, it's smudged.
Ma sono sbavate.
But they're smudged. Wait.
- Lo so. L'impronta è sbavata.
The print was smudged.
Una delle impronte era sbavata?
Was one of the prints smudged?
La "C" si e' sbavata.
The "c" just got smudged.
Oh no, e' tutto sbavato!
Oh, no, it's all smudged!
Impronte digitali, ma sono troppo sbavate.
Fingerprints, but they're too smudged.
Hai il rossetto sbavato.
Your lipstick is smudged.
Sbavata e strappata.
Smudged and torn.
- L'hai sbavato tu.
- You smudged it.
Hai il trucco sbavato.
Your make-up's smeared.
E... non sono sbavate.
They parallel the dragging body, and they aren't smeared.
E le impronte erano sbavate.
And the footprints were smeared.
- No! - Avevi il rossetto sbavato!
- Your lipstick was smeared when you came back.
- E' sbavata, ma...
- It's smeared, but...
Mi hai sbavata tutta!
You smeared me completely!
Il rossetto era sbavato.
His lipstick was smeared.
Ha anche il rossetto sbavato.
Also, her lipstick is all smeared.
- Tesoro, perche' hai il rossetto sbavato?
Why is your lipstick all smeared?
Il tuo rossetto è sbavato?
Is your lipstick all smeared
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