Примеры перевода
Ma mi mancavi.
I miss you!
Ecco cosa mancava!
That's what's missing.
- Mancava qualcos'altro?
- Anything else missing?
perché mancava qualcosa:
Something was missing.
Quanto mi mancava!
I missed this.
Mi mancava casa.
I missed home.
Non mancava niente?
Was anything missing?
Mi mancava toccarti... e mi mancava baciarti.
I missed touching you. And I missed kissing you.
Non mancava nessuno.
Nobody was missing.
Non c'era nulla che non riuscisse a fare... e non mancava mai di stupirci.
There was nothing he couldn't do... And he never failed to amaze us.
Non mancava mai di farmi sentire che era dalla mia parte.
Never failed to make me feel as though she had my back.
Ottimo, mi mancava solo quest'altro peso sulla coscienza: un'altra attivita' fallita.
Great, just what I need on my conscience: another failed business.
Ci mancava anche questa, sa anche lei come siamo ridotti, che non riusciamo a tirare avanti.
That's what we needed! You too know how we are, here. We fail to get by.
Mancavi di rispetto.
You lacked respect.
Mancava la... Compagnia.
Company was lacking.
Non mi mancava niente.
I didn't lack anything.
A lei mancava l'astuzia.
She really lacked guile.
Che cosa gli mancava?
What did he lack?
Cosa mi mancava?
What I was lacking?
Mancava di pieghe?
Did it lack nuance?
Mancava solo Ketty.
He lacked only Ketty.
Gli mancava l'ardore, l'eccitazione.
They lacked fire, excitement.
Vi mancava la passione!
You've all lacked passion!
Mi mancava la mia famiglia. Mi mancava casa.
I really wanted to see my family, and I wanted to come home.
Ma mancava uno psichiatra amichevole.
What was wanting was a friendly psychiatrist.
Al vecchio Bucky non mancava proprio nulla.
Old Bucky couldn't want for nothing.
non gli mancava niente!
He wanted for nothing.
Ci mancavi solo tu.
The last person I want to see.
Volevo solo sapere se ti mancava qualcosa.
Just wanted to see if you needed anything.
- Ci mancava solo questa.
- I want a sandwich. - Just what we need.
Adesso ci mancava anche l'Africa...
He wants to take us to Africa.
Mi mancavi, che ci posso fare?
I really wanted to see you. That's why.
- Mancava il dessert.
I wanted dessert.
Ci mancava questa.
This is all we need.
- Mancava solo questo
- Just what we needed...
Mi mancava questo!
That's just what I need!
Ci mancava Lando!
Lando's all I needed.
- Le mancava proprio.
- Well, you needed it.
Mancava questo intoppo!
Just what I needed.
Mancava solo lei.
just you I needed...
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