Перевод для "il macellaio era" на английский
Il macellaio era
  • the butcher was
Примеры перевода
the butcher was
Il macellaio era come il burro.
The butcher was like butter.
E Scheffer, il macellaio, era là.
And Scheffer the butcher was here.
Il Macellaio era un sadico sessuale che ha ucciso venti donne nella stessa area della Virginia, dal 1984 al 1993, e poi e' scomparso nel nulla.
The butcher was a sexual sadist that killed 20 women in the same area of Virginia from 1984 to 1993 and then vanished.
E il Macellaio era una scusa perfetta.
The Butcher was the perfect excuse.
E il macellaio era occupato, percio'...
And the butcher was busy, so...
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