Перевод для "ha rivisto" на английский
Ha rivisto
  • has reviewed
  • he has revised
Примеры перевода
has reviewed
Il Governatore ha rivisto il tuo caso.
The governor has reviewed your case.
Beh, ti sorprenderebbe sapere che Karen Sutherland ha rivisto ogni singola ricerca umano della sua societa' da quando l'avete incontrata.
Well,would it surprise you to learn that karen sutherland has reviewed every single hum research project at her company since you met with her?
Il Governatore ha rivisto a fondo il tuo caso.
The governor has reviewed your case fully.
Il comitato internazionale ha rivisto la vostra proposta di budget e nonostante i suoi avvertimenti ... di come potrebbe interferire sulle operazioni quotidiane al Comando Stargate hanno deciso di dare il pieno supporto finanziario alla missione Atlantis.
The international committee has reviewed your budget proposals... and despite your warnings of how it'll affect the day to day operations of Stargate Command, they have decided to throw their full financial backing behind the Atlantis mission. They now see this base as serving little more than a support role.
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