Перевод для "colpendoli" на английский
Примеры перевода
Colpendoli come potevamo.
Hitting 'em as we can.
Colpendolo, dovrebbe invertire l'involuzione.
You hit him, it should reverse the de-evolution.
Colpendolo mi sarei riscattato.
Hit it and I'd be redeemed.
Colpendoli a nostra volta.
We will hit back.
Colpendola in faccia, ancora e ancora.
Hitting her face, one after the other.
Colpendolo con una vanga.
By hitting him with a spade.
Colpendola con questa?
By hitting her with this?
L'ho testata colpendola col furgone.
I tested it by hitting it with my truck.
Ho reagito colpendolo.
I hit him back.
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