Перевод для "anteriore destro" на английский
Anteriore destro
Примеры перевода
- Ho rotto la molla anteriore destra.
I've broken my front right spring.
La zampa anteriore destra si e' fusa con il collo, compromettendo in questo modo la trachea e la circolazione sanguigna.
- Yeah. Its front right leg is fused to its neck, which has compromised its windpipe and its blood flow.
Il cavo era collegato alla ruota anteriore destra.
That cable must be linked to the front right wheel.
Tasca anteriore destra: cellulare.
Front right pocket, cell phone.
A parte i freni posteriori un po' usurati e la gomma anteriore destra sgonfia che ti fa sbandare.
Apart from the rear brakes are worn out, the front right tyre's a bit soft, which explains why you're weaving so much. Hmm.
Sulla parte anteriore destra del cranio... c'e' un foro di proiettile, da 1 cm.
On the front right part of the skull there is a bullet hole, size 1 cm.
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