Перевод для "tener representantes" на английский
Tener representantes
Примеры перевода
Las organizaciones de la Lista podrán tener representantes en las sesiones que se refieran a asuntos de su esfera de competencia.
Organizations on the Roster may have representatives present at such meetings as are concerned with matters within their field of competence.
En virtud del artículo 21, la Oficina está autorizada para tener representantes en cualquier país en el extranjero.
Section 21 enables the Bureau to have representatives in any foreign country.
Aquellas que figuren en la Lista pueden tener representantes que asistan a aquellas reuniones que traten de asuntos que estén dentro de su esfera de competencia.
Those on the Roster may have representatives present at such meetings concerned with matters within their field of competence.
Desearía asimismo saber cuál es el fundamento jurídico por el que se autoriza a la minoría alemana a tener representantes en el Parlamento cuando en Polonia no existe ninguna región alemana autónoma.
He would also like to know on what legal basis the German minority was permitted to have representatives in the Polish Parliament when there was no German autonomous region in Poland.
Dos partidos políticos albaneses han pedido que se conceda un estatuto especial a los albaneses de Montenegro y que se les permita tener representantes en el Parlamento de Montenegro.
Two Albanian political parties have called for a special status for Albanians in Montenegro and to have representatives in the Montenegrin Parliament.
42. Para reducir esos riesgos las organizaciones de agricultores y los gobiernos anfitriones deben tener representantes en el consejo de la empresa mixta, que ha de incluir salvaguardias respecto de los accionistas minoritarios.
42. To reduce such risks, farmers' organizations and host Governments should have representatives on the board of the joint venture company, which should include safeguards for minority shareholders.
No, debemos tener representantes de todas las profesiones... en mi última fiesta de cumpleaños.
No, I think we should have representatives from all walks of life... at my last birthday party.
Estoy especialmente agradecido de tener representantes de las cinco Familias... los Badalotos, los Romanis, los Marzonis, los Jeffersons... que vinieron del Lado Este sólo para comer un pedazo de pastel.
I'm especially pleased to have representatives from the five families with us-- the Badalotos, the Romanis... the Marzonis, the Jeffersons-- who moved on up from the East Side to get themselves a piece of the pie.
Estaban felices de tener representantes que les dijeran que medicinas darles a sus pacientes.
They were very happy to have representatives tell them what medicines would be best for their patients.
Esperamos tener representantes de Ios tres grupos étnicos principales, Ios kurdos, Ios chiíes y Ios suníes, de todos Ios ángulos del poder.
We are expecting to have representatives from all three main ethnic groups, the Kurds, the Shia and the Sunni, angling for different levels of power.
Nos honra tener representantes tanto de Pearl Jam como de Ticketmaster.
The subcommittee will come to order. We are honored to have representatives of both Pearl Jam and Ticketmaster here with us today.
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