Перевод для "tenía si era" на английский
Tenía si era
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had if it was
Las autoridades deben indicar si se han realizado exámenes forenses, si las familias han tenido acceso a los cadáveres y si se han enterrado los cuerpos.
The authorities should indicate whether forensic exams had been performed, whether the families had been granted access to the corpses and where the bodies had been buried.
El Comité desearía saber si se han abierto causas contra los presuntos autores de esos actos, si han sido condenados y si se ha indemnizado a las víctimas.
The Committee wished to know whether legal action had been taken against the alleged perpetrators, whether they had been convicted and whether the victims had been compensated.
Preguntó si se ha hecho algo sobre esa situación y si los violadores han sido sancionados.
He asked whether anything had been done about that situation and whether the rapists had been punished.
Pregunta si hay casos en los que haya ocurrido esto y, si los hay, cuáles han sido las consecuencias.
Were there cases in which that had occurred, and if so, what had been the consequences?
Pregunta también si se han concedido indemnizaciones, si se han celebrado consultas y si la población ha participado en los beneficios de estos proyectos.
He enquired whether compensation had been provided, whether consultation had taken place and whether the people had been able to share in the benefits brought by those projects.
No ha quedado en claro si las enmiendas han entrado en vigor y si han sido aplicadas por los tribunales.
It was unclear whether the amendments had entered into force and whether they had been enacted by the courts.
Fue como si lo tuvieran hablado, como si siempre hubieran estado de acuerdo.
It was as if they had spoken, as if it had always been agreed.
¡Si hubiera estado segura! ¡Si hubiera estado segura!
If I had been certain, if I had been certain!
Si tuviera una piel como ésa… Si tuviera colmillos.
If I had a hide like that… If I had fangs…
Si hubiera querido. Si tú hubieras sido un discípulo precoz.
Had he wanted to. Had you been precocious.
Como si algo se hubiera reducido en ella, como si se hubiera marchitado.
As if something in her had dwindled away, as if she had dried up.
Si no lo es todo para ti, es como si no fuese nada.
If he is nothing for you, he is nothing at all.
Pero si no… Oh, si no...
But if he doesn't--oh, if he doesn't .
Me pregunto si está casado, si tiene hijos, si es feliz.
I wonder if he’s married, if he has children, if he’s happy.
Si está ahí fuera. Si no estaba muerto.
If he was out there. If he wasn’t dead.
Tanto si él lo sabe como si no. Y saltó.
"Whether he knows it or not." And he jumped.
Tanto si está con otros como si no, lo que es seguro es que está solo.
Whether he is with others or not, he is certainly alone.
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