Перевод для "tan improbable" на английский
Примеры перевода
No importa que la Constitución haga o no referencia explícita a castigos inhumanos, aunque esa referencia figura en el Pacto, ya que, en primer lugar, en la sociedad kuwaití no existe ese tipo de sanción y es tan improbable que se dé en el futuro que no es menester referirse a ella.
It is not essential that the Constitution should make a specific reference to inhumane punishment, although such reference is found in the Covenant, since this kind of punishment is so unknown in the Kuwaiti society in the first place, and is so unlikely to exist in the future, that there is no need to spell it out.
Pero es que... es tan improbable.
But that's so unlikely...
Es sólo que, parece tan improbable.
It just seems so unlikely.
Tan improbable, como la vida misma.
So unlikely, like life itself.
Bueno, ¿por qué eso es tan improbable?
Well, why is that so unlikely?
Ahora comprendo por qué le parece tan improbable.
Now I see why you think it's so unlikely.
- Parece tan improbable que haya...
It seems so unlikely that she would...
Sabemos que algunas cosas son tan improbables que podemos descartarlas.
We know that some things are so unlikely, we can safely dismiss them.
¿Cómo explicar que las cosas que sean tan improbables sean incluso imposibles?
How do we account for things that seem so unlikely As to be impossible?
Pero eso es tan improbable como fantástico.
But that’s so unlikely as to be fantastic.”
Aquello no resultaba tan improbable como parecía.
This was not so unlikely as it seemed.
Todo ello parecía tan improbable.
The whole thing seemed so unlikely.
Y, en su opinión, esto era tan improbable como imposible.
He regards this as so unlikely as to be impossible.
Parecía tan improbable que daba risa.
It seemed so unlikely as to be laughable.
—¿Por qué es tan improbable que esa sea la situación exacta?
“Is there anything so unlikely about that being the exact situation?”
Era algo tan improbable que no merecía la pena ni preocuparse por ello.
That was so unlikely that it was not worth worrying about.
Era algo tan improbable que jamás hubiera soñado que ocurriese.
It was something so unlikely that he wouldn't have dreamed of it occurring.
¿Tan sorprendente era, tan inconcebible, tan improbable?
Was it so wonderful, so inconceivable, an incident so unlikely to happen?
Resulta tan improbable como verosímil.
It is, at the same time, improbable and plausible.
Cristo, qué diseño tan improbable.
Christ, what an improbable design.
Es tan improbable como una serpiente con muletas, sí, lo admito.
Improbable as a snake on stilts, yes, I admit that.
¿Qué afirmación tan improbable es esa que acabo de oír?
What most improbable statement have I heard?
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