Перевод для "tan desfavorable" на английский
Tan desfavorable
Примеры перевода
Quizá el ritual de adivinación ejecutado antes de que el Senado se reúna sea tan desfavorable que…
Perhaps the divination performed before the Senate meets will be so unfavorable
Si fui yo quien dictó a John lo que debía escribir, ¿por qué nos retrató de forma tan desfavorable?
“If I was the voice in John’s ear, why would he depict us so unfavorably?
--Me parece -contestó el ingeniero-que el combate va a tomar una nueva forma, porque no puede suponerse que esos bribones sean tan estúpidos que lo continúen en condiciones tan desfavorables para ellos.
answered the engineer, "that the combat will now take a new form, for it cannot be supposed that the convicts will be so foolish as to remain in a position so unfavorable for them!"
Estaba claro que era testigo de algún rito religioso o pagano, y supuso que interrumpirlo no constituiría una presentación satisfactoria ante aquella gente, cuyos rostros, que ya le repelían, le causaron una impresión tan desfavorable que puso en duda que lo recibieran con amistad incluso bajo las circunstancias más propicias.
It was evident that he was witnessing some sort of religious rite or pageant; and he assumed that to interrupt it would prove far from a satisfactory introduction to these people, whose faces, which had already repelled him, impressed him so unfavorably that he questioned the friendliness of his reception even under the most favorable auspices.
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