Перевод для "sospechoso criminal" на английский
Sospechoso criminal
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Las bandas criminales han respondido a esa estrategia con un aumento de la violencia, y los enfrentamientos armados han causado muertes tanto entre las fuerzas policiales como de sospechosos criminales, lo que ha sido una lamentable a la vez que inevitable consecuencia de la legítima lucha contra el crimen organizado.
Criminal networks had responded to that strategy with extreme aggression, and the armed clashes that had caused the deaths of both law enforcement officials and criminal suspects had been a regrettable, yet unavoidable, consequence of the legitimate fight against organized crime.
Por eso no investigamos sospechosos criminales solos.
Which is why we don't investigate criminal suspects alone.
Porque no me imagino que el FBI arreste e interrogue a un sospechoso criminal durante 10 horas sin su abogado presente. O que Nick no lo hubiera llamado bajo esas circunstancias.
Because I can't imagine that the FBI would arrest and question a criminal suspect for 10 hours without his attorney present, or that that Nick wouldn't have called for you under those circumstances.
Además, el Sr. McNulty ha utilizado a sus hijos en un trabajo policial con un sospechoso criminal y los perdió de vista en un mercado municipal lleno de gente.
Furthermore, Mr McNulty, having utilised his sons in an act of police work involving a criminal suspect actually lost track of them in a crowded municipal market.
Esos efectos reproducen la clase de cosas que vemos en situaciones de campo actuales con sospechosos criminales.
Those effects reproduce the kinds of things that we see in field situations with actual criminal suspects.
¿No se le ocurrió que abordar a un sospechoso criminal sin tener autoridad es una buena manera de salir lastimada?
Did it not occur to you that approaching a criminal suspect without official capacity is a good way to get your wig knocked off?
¿Este bisturí, usado por un sospechoso criminal, es de nuestro hospital?
This scalpel, used by a criminal suspect, is the one we use at our hospital?
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