Перевод для "sonrisa se dice" на английский
Sonrisa se dice
  • smile is said
  • smile says
Примеры перевода
smile is said
Lucrecia se le acerca, toma su mano con una sonrisa y dice: —Apuesto joven sois, Rafaello, ponedme dentro del retrato y tenedme abrazada.
Lucrezia went over to him, took him by the hand with a smile, and said: “Handsome boy that you are, Raphael, put me in your portrait and hold me tight.
Una vez le pregunté quién era y ella me contestó con una sonrisa. «Se dice el pecado pero no el pecador, Flor, si mi madre se entera le coge algo.» Y entonces, dos o tres días más tarde, tropecé con ella y uno de los O'Brien. Su radiante cara la delató.
Asked her once who it was and she just smiled and said, “No names no pack drill, Flower, because Mummy would have a fit if she ever found out.” And then, two or three days later, I came across her with one of the O’Brien boys. Her face gave her away, as sunny as the day is long it was.
smile says
Su sonrisa lo dice todo.
Her smile says all she needs to say.
Gannicus, siempre con su sonrisa fácil, dice que el tiempo es tan suave que no parece invierno.
Gannicus, always easy with his smile, says the weather has been so mild, he refuses to call it winter.
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