Перевод для "sin palabra" на английский
Sin palabra
Примеры перевода
El insulto consistía en llamarlos "estúpidos" y "brutos" (cwoki y glupki), palabras que normalmente se consideran ofensivas.
The abuse consisted of calling the guards “dumb” and “oafish” (cwoki and glupki), words commonly considered as offensive.
Y Cross permaneció sin decir palabra.
But Cross was dumb.
Burro no era la palabra adecuada.
Dumb was hardly the word.
Aquello la dejó sin palabras.
The word struck her dumb.
Con Eneas. Diomedes se quedó petrificado, sin palabras.
With Aeneas.’ Diomedes was struck dumb.
La doctora y yo nos levantamos, sin mediar palabra.
The doctor and I stood, rendered dumb.
La conmoción y el horror me dejan sin palabras.
I’m struck dumb with both shock and horror.
En lugar de eso, le grito palabras absurdas a la espalda.
Instead, I shout dumb words at his back.
Como si fuera mudo, como si las palabras lo estropeasen todo.
Almost as if he's dumb, as if words would spoil everything.'
y, en aquella casa muda, no cambiaban palabra.
and no words, in that dumb house, were exchanged between them.
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