Перевод для "ser obligado a" на английский
Ser obligado a
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Примеры перевода
Ajá. Por lo tanto, no podrías ser obligada a contar,
So you couldn't be forced to tell...
Ningún hombre debe ser obligado a humillarse ante mi padre.
No man should be forced to humble himself before my father.
Es que es fastidioso ser obligado a soportar tonterías.
I just find being forced to sit through drivel annoying.
Lamento ser obligado a retenerte.
Sorry being forced to hold you.
Nadie debería ser obligado a ir.
Nobody should be forced to go.
Imagínate ser obligada a casarte con el hombre que te violó.
Fancy being forced to marry a man who raped you.
"Una esposa no puede ser obligada a testificar contra su marido".
"a wife cannot be forced to testify against her husband."
Es mejor admitir estar equivocada, que ser obligada a renunciar.
It's better to admit to being wrong, than be forced to quit.
De hecho, ¿por qué debemos ser obligados a elegir?
Actually, why should we be forced to choose?
Te lo prometo, no puedo ser obligado a curarte
I promise you I can't be forced to cure you.
Por consiguiente, los hombres han de ser obligados a competir.
Therefore, men must be forced to compete.
en la vida, en cambio, quiere ser obligada a suplicar.
But in real life, she wants to be forced to beg.
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