Перевод для "rivalizaba" на английский
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Un belicoso contingente de perros y cuervos rivalizaba por el cadáver invisible;
A quarrelsome contingent of dogs and crows competed over the unseen dead;
Había unos cuantos barriles al lado de las paredes y el olor más fresco a serrín rivalizaba con el aroma del vino añejo.
A few barrels stood by the walls, and the fresher scent of sawdust competed with the smell of old wine.
El martilleo del corazón de Nutria rivalizaba con el miedo helado que le oprimía las entrañas. —¡No sé cómo, pero creo que nos han descubierto!
The trip-hammer of his heart competed with the icy fear that gripped his guts, “I don’t know how, but they must have spotted us!”
En aquel momento lo que más preocupaba al autor de la geografía universal era el cielo, todavía de un azul cristalino y en el que la luna rivalizaba con el sol poniente en llamar la atención.
But chiefly the author of the universal geography was preoccupied with the sky, still clear blue, and with the moon, already out and competing for attention with the setting sun.
El gran líder deseaba que todo buen ciudadano fuera un espía y ahora la gente se vigilaba, escribía informes, rivalizaba por denunciar al mayor número posible de «enemigos del pueblo».
The Leader had wanted every good citizen to be a spy and now they kept watch, they wrote reports, they competed to see who could denounce the largest number of ‘enemies of the people’.
A pesar de que la concepción original pretendía amalgamar comodidad y sencillez medieval, Baby se había encargado de retocarla para darle una nota supuestamente sensual, su cama en forma de corazón destacaba encima de una alfombra con un estampado de arco iris entrelazados, que rivalizaba en destellos con un taburete adornado con volantes en los bajos y un tocador art-déco.
Originally designed to combine convenience with medieval simplicity, it had been refurbished by Baby with an eye to the supposedly sensual. A heart-shaped bed stood on a carpet of intermingled rainbows which competed for radiance with a furbelowed stool and an Art Deco dressing-table.
Aunque pequeño, el único consuelo que le proporcionaba el diario era que Alice no decía una sola palabra acerba contra él; al contrario, con frecuencia alababa la paciencia y la bondad que él había mostrado, en términos que casi le produjeron sonrojo: «Le he causado un sinfín de molestias y de inquietudes y, sin embargo, y a pesar del carácter fantástico de mis males, nunca le he visto una expresión de impaciencia en la cara ni he oído salir de sus labios un sonido de hostilidad o incomprensión.» Henry no merecía estas alabanzas. La razón de que hubiese sido amable con Alice era que ella gratificaba su egoísmo —era tan ferviente, le admiraba tanto, ansiaba tanto su éxito, y no rivalizaba con él—: tal era la clave.
The only comfort of a limited sort he could draw from the journal was that Alice had no word of criticism of him personally – on the contrary she frequently praised him for his patience and kindness, in terms that made him almost blush: ‘I have given him endless care and anxiety but notwithstanding this and the fantastic nature of my troubles I have never seen an impatient look upon his face or heard an unsympathetic or misunderstanding sound cross his lips.’ He didn’t deserve such praise. The reason he had been kind to her was because she gratified his egotism – she was so devoted, so admiring, so eager for his success, and she didn’t compete with him – that was the key.
Entonces se volvió hacia mí, a la vez que yo pensaba esto, fue simultáneo —no hacia nadie más sino hacia mí, como si me hubiera visto ya antes del incidente de las bestias y supiera dónde estaba, o acaso me hubiera venido siguiendo—, y me miró con sus ojos inconfundibles, obscenos y broncos y fríos, muy negros y enormes y algo separados sin apenas pestañas, y esa carencia y esa separación hacen insoportable su mirada obscena sobre las mujeres a las que conquista o compra y sobre los hombres con que rivaliza, y conmigo no sólo rivalizaba, sino que además me odiaba con la misma intensidad, intacta, que cuando nos perdimos de vista aquella única vez que yo había estado en su casa, con una vieja Llama y un atizador en la mano y con guantes como los de Reresby en el lavabo de los minusválidos y como ahora aquel suyo desparejado.
it was a spring day, overcast but not cold, and covering your hands seemed odd, and even odder to have just one hand covered, because when he reached out his other hand and placed it on the horse’s back, I saw that it, the right one, was bare, and that made me think: ‘What a lot of one-handed people … Perhaps his left hand never healed properly and that’s why he wears the glove, to hide a deformity or scars, who knows, perhaps he never shows it to anyone.’ Then he turned to face me just as I was thinking this, it was simultaneous—he didn’t turn to look at anyone else, but at me, as if he had seen me before the incident with the horse and knew where I was, or perhaps he’d been following me—and he gazed straight at me with those unmistakable eyes, crude and rough and cold, two enormous, very dark eyes, rather wide-set and lashless, and both those factors, the lack of lashes and the wide-apartness, that make his obscene gaze unbearable or possibly irresistible when turned on the women he seduces or buys and possibly also when turned on the men with whom he competes, and we were not just rivals, he hated me with the same fierce intensity as when we had seen each other for the last time on the sole occasion that I visited his apartment, with an old Llama pistol and a poker in my hand and wearing gloves like the ones Reresby had worn in the handicapped toilet and like the single glove he was wearing now.
Rivalizaba en proezas gástricas con Humphrey Watts, el que seguía a James, que tendría unos veintiuno o veintidós años, mientras yo tenía sólo doce o trece.
I usually had to vie in eating prowess with Humphrey Watts, the Watts son next to James in age. I suppose he must have been twenty-one or twenty-two to my twelve or thirteen.
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