Перевод для "que se identifica" на английский
Que se identifica
Примеры перевода
V030A identificó al soldado.
The soldier was identified by V030A.
Identifica al titular de la cuenta;
This shall identify the holder of the account;
La mujer se identificó como estadounidense.
The woman identified herself as American.
Identifica los explosivos a granel
Identifies bulk explosives
Posteriormente se identificó al proveedor.
The vendor was subsequently identified.
Identificó 36 medidas con ese fin.
It identified 36 such actions.
No se identificó a los agresores.
The perpetrators were not identified.
No es un gasto directo; no se identifica directamente con un único programa, sino que se identifica con dos o más programas o proyectos
Not a direct cost; not directly identified with a single programme, but identified with two or more programmes or projects
No se identificó a ningún sospechoso.
No subject was identified.
Es el mismo barco que se identificó como un barco de pesca chino Clase B.
It's the same ship that is identified as a Chinese fishing boat Class B?
El debate se identifica con la disidencia, que a su vez se identifica con la deslealtad.
Debate is identified with dissent, which is in turn identified with disloyalty.
lo identificó Karrde.
Karrde identified it.
Se identifica como «nosotros».
He identifies himself as “we.”
—Porque me identifico con él.
Because I identify with him,
Los identificó a todos.
She identified each one of them.
—¿Tanto te identificas con ella?
“You identify all that much with her?”
– Simon se identificó.
Simon identified himself.
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