Перевод для "que consumado" на английский
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A ese respecto, ¿qué relación existe entre un hombre político de renombre y un artista consumado?
In that connection, what relationship is there between a prominent politician and an accomplished artist?
Por el contrario, nos mentían una y otra vez, adoptaban decisiones a nuestras espaldas, nos ponían ante hechos consumados.
On the contrary, they have lied to us many times, made decisions behind our backs, placed us before an accomplished fact.
Marino consumado y apasionado, fue un pionero durante los 30 años de campañas científicas que lo llevaron desde las Azores hasta Spitzberg.
An accomplished and passionate seaman, he was a pioneer during 30 years of scientific study that led him from the Azores to Spitzberg.
La Comisión tiene la oportunidad de analizar la clonación de seres humanos antes de tener que enfrentar un hecho consumado.
The Committee had the opportunity to discuss human cloning before being faced with an accomplished fact.
Debido a esas características, la acumulación excesiva y desestabilizadora de dichas armas en regiones de conflicto es, lamentablemente, un hecho consumado: ya ha tenido lugar.
Owing to those characteristics, the excessive and destabilizing accumulation of such weapons in regions of conflict is, unfortunately, an accomplished fact that has already taken place.
Ésta abarca esferas de trabajo que se han consumado y señala algunos de los obstáculos que hemos encontrado y desafíos que seguimos enfrentando.
It covers areas of work that have been accomplished, and it identifies some of the obstacles encountered and challenges that we still face.
22. El Sr. KOUZNETSOV recuerda que el representante de Belarús dijo que el Gobierno proyectaba que fuera de pago la enseñanza superior, pero que no se trataba de un hecho consumado.
22. Mr. KOUZNETSOV recalled that the representative of Belarus had said that the Government intended to introduce fees for higher study and that it was not an accomplished fact.
:: Consumado erudito y escritor prolífico.
:: An accomplished scholar and a prolific writer.
La tentativa equivale, según el artículo 17 del Código Penal, al delito consumado y se castiga con las mismas penas.
An attempt shall be evaluated, in line with Section 17 of the Criminal Code, within the statutory limits of the punishment specified for the accomplished offence.
Sólo se le puede vencer por un hecho consumado. —¿Hecho consumado?
He will be vanquished only by the accomplished fact.” “The accomplished fact?”
— Un contrabandista consumado.
An accomplished smuggler.
Era una pianista consumada.
She was an accomplished pianist.
"Soy más un tonto consumado".
“I’m more of an accomplished sucker.”
-¿Consumado con la más perfecta etiqueta?
`Accomplished with perfect etiquette?
—Tu madre era una pianista consumada.
“Your mother was accomplished,”
Era simplemente una coqueta consumada.
She was merely an accomplished flirt.
Evidentemente, era un piloto consumado.
it was clear she was an accomplished pilot.
Ben no era un rastreador consumado.
Ben wasn’t an accomplished tracker.
Los hechos consumados no existían para ella.
In her book, there was no such thing as accomplished facts.
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