Перевод для "que castigado severamente" на английский
Que castigado severamente
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En tales circunstancias, los miembros del Comité convendrán seguramente en que las personas que roban productos médicos merecen ser castigadas severamente.
Under such circumstances, members would surely not disagree that persons who stole medical supplies deserved to be severely punished.
Los ciudadanos de Corea del Norte están obligados a permanecer en su país y son castigados severamente si atraviesan la frontera.
The citizens of North Korea were restricted to their own country and were severely punished if they crossed the border.
El proceso de admisión en la educación superior es objeto de un seguimiento estricto, y todos los casos de corrupción o soborno son castigados severamente.
The admission process for higher education was closely monitored and any cases of corruption or bribery were severely punished.
Los hombres que infligen daños físicos a las mujeres en relación con la dote y otros casos son castigados severamente.
60. Men who inflicted physical harm on women in dowry-related and other cases were severely punished.
Todos los que maltraten a mujeres y niñas en esa situación de especial vulnerabilidad deben ser enjuiciados y castigados severamente.
All those who abuse women and girls in this situation of particular vulnerability must be brought to justice and severely punished.
El Estado tiene la obligación de investigar todas las denuncias de tortura, proteger los derechos de las víctimas y garantizar que los culpables sean castigados severamente.
The State was obliged to investigate all allegations of torture, protect victims' rights and ensure that guilty parties were severely punished.
Los autores de actos violentos son castigados severamente, por ejemplo, con una pena de 18 años de prisión.
Perpetrators of violent acts were severely punished, for example by an 18-year prison sentence.
Siguen produciéndose violaciones de niños y abusos sexuales, aunque muchos casos fueron castigados severamente con arreglo a la ley.
There still exist child rapes and sexual abuses although many cases were severely punished by the law.
Los atentados contra los derechos humanos son castigados severamente, como ilustra la reciente condena de un oficial de la OCRB.
Violations of human rights were severely punished, as evidenced by the fact that an officer of that Office had recently been sentenced.
Si hablaban, serían castigados severamente.
If they talked, they would be severely punished.
Si se sorprendía a alguien en el pasillo sería castigado severamente.
If any were caught in the hall, they would be severely punished.
Alexandre relata que a causa de esta travesura Napoleón fue castigado severamente.
For this escapade, says Alexandre, Napoleon was severely punished.
Había visto a niños humanos cometer ese error y ser castigados severamente por ello.
She had seen human children make the mistake and be severely punished for it.
Los hombres le llamaban «Heini el loco», y él estaba ufano del mote, aunque habría castigado severamente al que hubiera oído llamárselo.
‘Crazy Heini’, the men called him, and he was proud of that nickname - although he would have severely punished anyone heard using it.
El delito del que Fanny estaba acusada era un robo liso y llano, e incluso las personas de alcurnia podían ser castigadas severamente por él.
Theft, of the kind of which Fanny was accused, was theft pure and simple, and even gentlefolk could be severely punished for such an offence.
Todos los vecinos conocían y protegían al precioso animal, y hubieran castigado severamente a cualquiera que le hiciera daño, aunque fuera un conocido.
All the farmers far and near knew it and protected it. Anyone, even of their own number, who had harmed it would have been severely punished.
Sophia, pero a las chicas que habían pillado las habían castigado severamente, y Lyra no quería que la atraparan. Llevaba ropas oscuras y corría muy rápido. Lyra y Pan, con su poder de separación brujesco, habían conseguido despistar a más de un perseguidor.
Sophia's School, but those girls who did were severely punished, and Lvra had no wish to get caught. But she was wearing dark clothes and she could run fast, and she and Pan, with their witchlike power of separation, had managed to mislead pursuers before now.
La declaración también estipulaba que cualquier violación del secreto sería castigada severamente y König me dijo que sería aconsejable ocultar mi nuevo empleo no solo a cualquier amigo o pariente sino «incluso» —y esas fueron las palabras exactas— «incluso a nuestros colegas norteamericanos».
The declaration also stipulated that any breach of secrecy would be severely punished, and König said that I would be well-advised to conceal my new employment not only from any friends and relatives but ‘even’ — and these were his precise words — ‘even from our American colleagues’.
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