Перевод для "que castiga" на английский
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El comité de castigo disciplinario de un centro penitenciario determina el castigo.
Disciplinary punishment is determined by the disciplinary punishment committee in a correction facility.
a) Los castigos corporales y otras formas de castigo crueles o degradantes;
(a) Corporal punishment and other cruel or degrading forms of punishment;
Se trata de una forma de castigo necesario que no equivale necesariamente a un castigo corporal.
But that is a necessary form of punishment, and does not means corporal punishment.
Castigos corporales y otras formas de castigo crueles o degradantes
Corporal punishment and other cruel or degrading forms of punishment
Extraño que Dios enviara una plaga que castiga al inocente y deja intacto al culpable.
Strange that God should send a plague that punishes the innocent and leaves the guilty untouched.
No entiendo a una cultura que castiga igualmente al crimen, como a los que tratan de evitarlo.
I do not understand a culture that punishes both crime and those who would stop it.
¿ Y conoces la cruel muerte que castiga el motín y la sedición?
And you understand the cruel death that punishes mutiny and sedition?
a la mano derecha del Estado, la que castiga, el policía, el juez, el guardián de la prisión.
From the left hand of the state, which assists and educates, the hand that provides housing, education and medical care, to the right hand of the state, the hand that punishes, the policeman, the judge, the prison guard...
Éste fue su castigo. —¿Su castigo?
“This was his punishment.” “His punishment ?
Un símbolo de castigo es un símbolo de castigo.
A token of punishment is a token of punishment.
Esto es un castigo por lo de anoche. – ¿Un castigo?
‘I’m being punished for last night.’ ‘Punished?
Es un castigo padecido y un castigo infligido.
It’s punishment sustained and punishment inflicted.
O mejor dicho al castigo: a un castigo personal.
Or rather, a punishment, a personal punishment.
Esto es un castigo.
This is a punishment.
Ese era el castigo.
That was the punishment.
—Eso no es un castigo.
“That is not punishment.”
Eso fue un castigo.
- That was a punishment.
—¿Es esto un castigo?
“Is this a punishment?”
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