Перевод для "ponerse tenso" на английский
Ponerse tenso
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Y ponerse tensa no es nada bueno.
And tensing up won't do it any good.
Si me disparas, Nikki, mi cuerpo podría ponerse tenso y presionar el botón.
If you shoot me, Nikki, it might cause my body to tense up and push the button.
Johnny comenzó a ponerse tenso de nuevo.
Now Johnny was tensing up again.
Edeard al fin vio a Arminel ponerse tenso.
Edeard finally saw Arminel tense up.
—Depende de la pregunta —contestó ella, intentando no ponerse tensa.
“It depends on the question,” she answered, trying not to tense up.
Los demás cadetes volvieron a ponerse tensos, esperando que Napoleón explotara.
Again, the other cadets tensed up, waiting for Napoleon to explode.
Gaunt notó cómo Lefivre empezaba a ponerse tenso a su espalda.
Gaunt felt Lefivre beginning to tense up beside him.
Adam estaba volviendo a ponerse tenso y ambos estábamos cansados, necesitábamos dormir.
He was tensing up again and we were both tired, we needed sleep.
Vuelve a ponerse tenso, se cubre de nuevo con la capucha, la tortuga desaparece en su caparazón.
He tenses up again, the hood goes back up, the turtle disappearing into its shell.
Las suaves nubes de niebla creaban por momentos breves formas que les hacían ponerse tensos, pero se trataba tan sólo de niebla.
The softly billowing mists created brief shapes occasionally that made them tense up, but it was just mist.
No poder coger el teléfono sin ponerse tenso, abrir sus mails temiendo tropezar con una guarrada, echar siempre un vistazo angustiado a su alrededor al salir, por la mañana, porque a veces el capullo de Bleach estaba esperándolo, con los brazos cruzados, delante de la puerta de su taxi. Sus amigos, en cuanto entendieron que el cantante no los incriminaba y solo odiaba a Dopalet, lo dejaron que se las apañara solo. Él se vengó.
Tensing up every time you answer the phone, worrying every time you open an email that it will be abusive, constantly checking before you leave home in the morning, because sometimes that fucker Bleach would be standing, arms folded, next to the car that had been sent for him. As soon as they realized that Bleach was not interested in them, and blamed Dopalet for everything, they had left him to deal with it. He had had his revenge.
Él podía ponerse tenso, podía ponerse difícil él quería que las cosas fueran fáciles o sea que las cosas se hicieran a su manera...
You could get tense, could be difficult Wanted things They were easy Or whether things done your way ...
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