Перевод для "poéticamente" на английский
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Sin embargo, debemos apresurarnos para cerciorarnos de que no nos alcance lo que se ha denominado poéticamente la rueda siempre giratoria del cambio, de la que se apartan todos los mortales.
We must, however, quicken our pace to ensure that we are not overtaken by what has been poetically called: "the ever-whirling wheel of Change; the which all mortal things doth sway".
Este procedimiento se conoce poéticamente en francés como una “descente sur les lieux”; es decir, una “visita al terreno”.
This procedure is poetically known in French as a descente sur les lieux; in English, we have come to call it a “site visit”.
Esto es poéticamente bello.
This is poetically beautiful.
Poéticamente, es precioso.
Poetically, it's rather beautiful.
Incluso puedes hablar poéticamente.
You even talk poetically.
En este caso actuaré poéticamente;
I'll give it some poetic license this time.
Yo... estaba hablando poéticamente.
I... I was speaking poetically.
"de jabalíes, que terminó poéticamente".
"for wild boars ended poetically."
tú lees tan poéticamente.
you read so poetically.
Pero usted lo narró poéticamente.
But you described it poetically.
Empieza tan poéticamente.
It begins so poetically.
Era poéticamente supersticiosa.
She was poetically superstitious.
Su Dios es poéticamente impotente.
His God is poetically impotent.
Moneta le abruma poéticamente.
Moneta has overwhelmed him poetically.
se creía que eran muy claras, y hasta que estaban expresadas poéticamente.
they were believed to be clear, yet poetically expressed.
– Un fin lamentable y sin embargo poéticamente justo.
‘A terrible end, and yet there was poetic justice in it.’
– Y tú, un experto en soltar necedades poéticamente deconstructivas.
“And you’re good at spouting poetically deconstructive nonsense.
El silencio siguió a aquel extraordinario estallido de rencor; el silencio y, poéticamente (quizá demasiado poéticamente), el fuerte mugido de una de las vacas.
Silence followed this extraordinary burst of antipathy—silence, and poetically (perhaps too poetically), a loud moo from one of the cows. “Still, it was an abandonment,”
«Marea Negra.» También para un barco era un nombre poéticamente perfecto.
Black Tide. It was a poetically perfect name for a warship, too.
Yo mismo he evitado enamorarme..., por lo menos poéticamente.
I myself have never let myself fall in love - not poetically.
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