Перевод для "petulante" на английский
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Y Perelman es un petulante.
And Perelman is an arrogant fool.
Por eso crees que tendríamos que ser felices, o que yo, al menos, tendría. Otra cosa te parece petulante o histérica.
That's why you think we should be happy, or at least, I should, and you find anything else arrogant or hysterical.
Para mí es un misterio: ¿por qué prefieren a Houseman, ese personaje tan petulante, arrogante y desagradable?
A real mystery: why they prefer Houseman, with his petulant, arrogant, unpleasant manner.
Estas ocasiones escasas le valieron sin duda su fama de botarate y petulante.
Beyond any doubt these rare occasions earned him his reputation as a spendthrift and an arrogant man.
El nuevo obrero estaba allí, de pie, solo, y tenía las mismas ropas que la víspera, su sombrero petulante, su cigarrillo en la boca.
The new man was standing alone down at the sawdust pile. His shovel was beside him, and he stood in the same garments of yesterday, with the arrogant hat, smoking a cigarette.
Asomaba en su rostro una expresión petulante, pero en los ojos bailaba esa chispa traviesa que ninguna de las grandes violencias sufridas a lo largo de su existencia pudo borrar.
His expression was vaguely arrogant, but in his eyes danced the spark of mischief that nothing in his stormy life could erase.
Allí se manifiestan todos dogmáticos y arrogantes, petulantes e imbéciles, impacientes por contradecir o discrepar de opinión. No tratan siquiera de ocultarnos su parecer, que la mayor parte de las veces es de lo más desfavorable.
Then you will find them dogmatic and arrogant, flippant and foolish, impatient of contradiction and even of difference of opinion. Neither do they then seek to hide their opinion of you; for the most part it is a very unfavourable one.
Recuerda perfectamente la escena y que le sorprendió que el escritor manifestara ese sentimiento crápula propio de un viejo verde, petulante, que quiere que a la joven le conste lo que le ha costado follársela, que nada tiene que ver con la pudorosa y elegante actitud de Max en relación a la chica a todo lo largo del texto, ni con su posición frente al dinero, tema al que alude, por cierto, largamente.
She remembers well that she’d been extremely surprised by that passage when she read it in Spanish; that revelation of stinginess in the writer—wanting the girl to know how much it had cost him to sleep with her—would have been more fitting for an arrogant dirty old man, nothing like Max’s respectful, natural attitude toward Lynn throughout the book, nor was it in keeping with his attitude about money, which he talks about extensively.
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