Перевод для "persona conflictiva" на английский
Persona conflictiva
Примеры перевода
conflicted person
Sin embargo, no quedaron probadas las circunstancias denunciadas por X, y a la luz del testimonio de los testigos se dedujo que X era una persona conflictiva que había suscitado enemistad entre los vecinos, por lo que se habían enviado cartas a las fuerzas del orden.
The circumstances reported by X were not however confirmed in the evidence and the testimony of witnesses showed that X was a conflicting person who had been provoking feud among neighbours, as a result of which letters were addressed to law enforcement agencies.
Los dos eran personas conflictivas, pero eso es todo.
They were both troublemakers, but that’s about it.
Cree que es una persona conflictiva, una especie de antiecologista.
He thinks he's a troublemaker. Some kind of anti-environmental guy."
–Si lo hago, irá directo al tribunal de legados y me acusará de crear problemas, y no puedo permitirme una reputación de persona conflictiva.
"If I do that, he'll go straight to the legatal tribunal board and accuse me of making trouble, and I can't afford to earn a reputation as a troublemaker.
La violación de la niña había destruido la buena fama de los marinos, incluso entre muchos convictos respetuosos con la ley, aunque toda la inicial población de la isla de Norfolk estaba igualmente furiosa ante la creciente tendencia del gobernador Phillips a librarse de las personas conflictivas a expensas de la isla de Norfolk.
The child rape had destroyed the reputation of the marines, even among many of the law-abiding convicts, though the whole of the old Norfolk Island community was equally angered by Governor Phillip’s developing tendency to rid himself of his troublemakers at Norfolk Island’s expense.
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