Перевод для "per contra" на английский
Per contra
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Lo cierto es que el Comité no tiene ningún prejuicio contra ninguna organización no gubernamental en particular, per la Freedom House tiene grandes prejucios políticos.
The fact is, it is not that this Committee has any prejudice against any particular NGO but that Freedom House itself has entertained serious political prejudice.
Contra eso no hay muchos peros que valgan.
Hard to argue against that.
Era una idea tan emocionante que difícilmente se le podían poner peros.
It was such an exciting idea that there were bound to be strenuous arguments against it.
Está prohibido robar el correo de otra persona, y a ese respecto no hay peros que valgan.
It’s against the law to steal someone else’s mail-no ifs, ands, or buts.
Ci fu anche una breve altaguerra per queste cose, Ferrogiada contro Scianagate.
There was a brief highwar over it, Ironjade against Shanagate.
Sarei quasi tentato di lanciargli una sfida per tutto ciò che ha fatto.
I am tempted to issue challenge against him myself for all he has done.
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