Перевод для "parte inferior de la cual" на английский
Parte inferior de la cual
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Las patas eran varillas metálicas con pies redondos en cuya parte inferior había letras del alfabeto.
The legs were metal rods with round feet on the bottoms of which were letters from the alphabet.
Metió la hoja de papel de oficina, en la parte inferior de la cual Joe había imitado la firma de su madre.
He rolled in the usual piece of stationery, at the bottom of which Joe had forged his mother's name.
Unidos a una polea, la cabeza coronada y el torso (con cuatro brazos) bajaban lentamente para unirse a la parte inferior, ya instalada tras la pirámide.
Attached to a pulley, the crowned head and upper torso (with four arms) were slowly descending in order to meet the bottom part which was already in place behind the pyramid.
Cuando llovía, el agua caía del tejado piramidal al suelo, lo convertía en un barrizal y salpicaba paredes y puertas, cuya parte inferior parecía manchada de hollín húmedo.
When it rained the water from the pyramidal roof fell directly to the ground, turned the yard into mud and spattered walls and doors, the bottoms of which appeared to have been sprayed with wet soot.
Puso la jarra en el suelo y procuró mover la piedra, que cayó a tierra, rodó y fue a chocar con otra cuba, abriendo un agujero en la parte inferior, por donde comenzó a manar el vino.
After putting his jug on the ground, he strained to remove the millstone, which rolled away and crashed up against yet another vat, punching a hole in the bottom, through which wine began to seep.
Sus muslos, maravillosamente conformados, de una redondez florida y lustrosa que disminuía gradualmente al acercarse a las rodillas, parecían pilares capaces de sostener el hermoso armazón, en cuya parte inferior no pude observar sin algunos restos de terror y algunas emociones tiernas, a ese terrible aparato que no mucho tiempo antes se había introducido con tanta furia, había desgarrado y casi arruinado esas suaves y tiernas partes mías que no terminaban de escocer por los efectos de su ardor… Pero ¡miradlo ahora! Alicaído, reclinando su cabeza roja semicubierta sobre uno de los muslos, tranquilo, dócil y aparentemente incapaz de las travesuras y las crueldades que había cometido. Luego la hermosa mata de pelos, formando suaves rizos alrededor de sus raíces, su blancura, las venas transparentes, la flexible suavidad del fuste yaciente, enrollado y encogido, chato, lánguido y alzado entre los muslos por su apéndice globular, esa maravillosa bolsa de dulces tesoros de la naturaleza que descansaba redonda y envuelta en las únicas arrugas que pueden gustar, perfeccionaba la perspectiva y todas juntas formaban el cuadro más interesante y conmovedor de la naturaleza, seguramente superior a los toscos productos que proporcionan la pintura, la estatuaria o cualquier arte y son comprados por sumas inmensas, mientras su visión en la vida real es considerada de muy escaso gusto, salvo por los pocos a quienes la naturaleza ha dado una imaginación fogosa, cálidamente dirigida por un juicio seguro hacia la fuente, hacia el original de la belleza, hacia la inigualada composición de la naturaleza, que está por encima de la imitación artística y fuera del alcance de las riquezas que no pueden pagar ese precio. Pero todas las cosas llegan a un fin.
His thighs, finely fashioned, and with a florid glossy roundness, gradually tapering away to the knees, seem'd pillars worthy to support that beauteous frame; at the bottom of which I could not, without some remains of terror, some tender emotions too, fix my eyes on that terrible machine, which had, not long before, with such fury broke into, torn, and almost ruin'd those soft, tender parts of mine that had not yet done smarting with the effects of its rage; but behold it now! crest fall'n, reclining its half-capt vermilion head over one of his thighs, quiet, pliant, and to all appearance incapable of the mischiefs and cruelty it had committed.Then the beautiful growth of the hair, in short and soft curls round its root, its whiteness, branch'd veins, the supple softness of the shaft, as it lay foreshort'd, roll'd and shrunk up into a squab thickness, languid, and borne up from between his thighs by its globular appendage, that wondrous treasure-bag of nature's sweets, which, rivell'd round, and purs'd up in the only wrinkles that are known to please, perfected the prospect, and all together formed the most interesting moving picture in nature, and surely infinitely superior to those nudities furnish'd by ]the painters, statuaries, or any art, which are purchas'd at immense prices; whilst the sight of them in actual life is scarce sovereignly tasted by any but the few whom nature has endowed with a fire of imagination, warmly pointed by a truth of judgment to the spring-head, the originals of beauty, of nature's unequall'd composition, above all the imitation of art, or the reach of wealth to pay their price.
Pero cuando miré a hurtadillas el primer fulgor que me llamó la atención fue, en general, el lustre lleno de rocío de la más blanca piel imaginable; el sol, jugando sobre ella, la llenaba de vivos reflejos. En la confusión en que me encontraba, no podía distinguir bien los lineamientos de su cara, pero descubrí en ella juventud y frescura. Los juegos y retozos de sus miembros hermosos y pulidos, cuando aparecían en la superficie, mientras nadaba o jugaba en el agua me divirtieron e insensiblemente me deleitaron: a veces yacía inmóvil de espaldas, flotando y arrastrando detrás de sí una hermosa mata de cabellos que flotando, barrían la corriente formando un matorral de rizos negros. Luego, el agua que lo cubría, formaba una separación entre su pecho y su brillante vientre blanco, en cuya parte inferior no pude evitar la observación de algo tan notable como un penacho negro y musgoso, del que parecía surgir una cosa blanca, redonda, blanda y cimbreante que oscilaba en todas direcciones aunque no hubiese corriente ni remolinos. Sólo puedo decir que esa parte, principalmente, por una especie de instinto natural, atrajo, detuvo, cautivó mi atención; toda mi modestia no tenía poder para apartar mis ojos de ella y al no ver nada muy espantoso en su apariencia, insensiblemente olvidé todos mis miedos; pero con tanta rapidez como desaparecían, nuevos deseos y extraños anhelos ocupaban su lugar, y yo me disolvía mientras miraba. El fuego de la naturaleza, que durante tanto tiempo había yacido dormido u oculto, comenzó a despertar y por primera vez me hizo sentir mi propio sexo.
embolden'd too by my certainty of being at once unseen and safe, I ventur'd by degrees to cast my eyes on an object so terrible and alarming to my virgin modesty as a naked man.But as I snatched a look, the first gleam that struck me was in general the dewy lustre of the whitest skin imaginable, which the sun playing upon made the reflection of it perfectly beamy.His face, in the confusion I was in, I could not well distinguish the lineaments of, any farther than that there was a great deal of youth and freshness in it.The frolic and various play of all his polish'd limbs, as they appeared above the surface, in the course of his swimming or wantoning with the water, amus'd and insensibly delighted me: sometimes he lay motionless, on his back, waterborne, and dragging after him a fine head of hair, that, floating, swept the stream in a bush of black curls. Then the overflowing water would make a separation between his breast and glossy white belly; at the bottom of which I could not escape observing so remarkable a distinction as a black mossy tuft, out of which appeared to emerge a round, softish, limber, white something, that played every way, with ever the least motion or whirling eddy.I cannot say but that part chiefly, by a kind of natural instinct, attracted, detain'd, captivated my attention: it was out of the power of all my modesty to command my eye away from it; and seeing nothing so very dreadful in its appearance, I insensibly lock'd away all my fears: but as fast as they gave way, new desires and strange wishes took place, and I melted as I gazed.The fire of nature, that had so long lain dormant or conceal'd, began to break out, and made me feel my sex the first time.He had now changed his posture, and swam prone on his belly, striking out with his legs and arms, finer modell'd than which could not have been cast, whilst his floating locks played over a neck and shoulders whose whiteness they delightfully set off.Then the luxuriant swell of flesh that rose form the small of his back, and terminated its double cope at where the thighs are sent off, perfectly dazzled one with its watery glistening gloss.
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