Перевод для "para él solo" на английский
Para él solo
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Примеры перевода
for him alone
Era un piso de soltero de mierda, para él solo.
It was a shitty bachelor pad, for him alone.
Cuando Dios dio América a ese Fernando al que se llama excelentemente el Católico, era demasiado grande, no era para él solo sino para que todos los pueblos la compartieran.
When God gave America to that Ferdinand who is excellently called the Catholic, it was too big, it was was not for him alone but for all peoples to share.
Y no lo podrías dejar en un cuarto para él solo?
And you could not leave a room for him alone?
Es por Richard. Me quiere para él solo.
Richard wants me for him alone.
En la solicitud especificó que solo él participaría en el piquete.
In the application he specified that the picket would be conducted only by himself.
Cada preso era mantenido solo en una celda.
Every prisoner was kept in a cell by himself.
y, en el otro, él solo.
and on the other—only himself.
¿No él solo, seguramente?
But surely not by himself?
¿Estaba Barien solo?
Was Barien by himself?
se había invitado él solo.
he'd invited himself.
—¿Lo habéis dejado solo?
“He stayed by himself?”
Lo ha hecho él solo.
He’d done it himself.
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