Примеры перевода
Todos mirábamos con esperanza a la reciente Cumbre del Grupo de los Ocho celebrada en Okinawa, Japón.
We all looked forward with hope to the recent G-8 Summit held in Okinawa, Japan.
Mirábamos con optimismo nuestro futuro.
We looked to our future with optimism.
- Mirábamos lo de "Perez".
- We were looking at "Perez."
Todos nos mirábamos.
We were all looking like...
Siempre la mirábamos.
We saw it every time we looked at her.
Mirábamos la muerte.
We were looking at death.
Solo mirábamos el plató.
- Just looking at the stage.
Nosotros sólo mirábamos.
We're just looking.
Y nosotros nos mirábamos, nos mirábamos así.
And we're looking at each other- We're looking at each other like this -
...y mirábamos de nuevo.
...and look again.
- No, sólo mirábamos.
- Oh, no, we're just looking.
Pero no era eso lo que mirábamos;
But that wasn't what we were looking at;
Mirábamos y nos maravillábamos.
We looked and wondered.
Todos mirábamos a Edythe.
Everyone looked at Edythe.
Todos mirábamos a Edward.
Everyone looked at Edward.
nunca las mirábamos.
we never looked at them.
Pero no la parte a la que mirábamos.
But not the part we were looking at.
Nosotras mirábamos un tigre.
And we were looking at this tiger.
Todos mirábamos a Harvey.
We all looked at Harvey.
Mirábamos como el dormía.
We were watching him sleep.
Mirábamos dibujos animados.
We were just watching cartoons.
Mirabamos un video.
We watched a video.
- Mirábamos Cumbres Borrascosas.
We were watching Wuthering Heights.
Mirábamos football mejicano.
We were watching Mexican football.
- Mirábamos una película.
- We were just watching a movie.
Justo ayer mirábamos Frontline.
Yesterday we were watching Frontline.
Le mirábamos jugar.
We watched him gambling.
- Mirábamos El príncipe del rap.
Watching Fresh Prince.
Todos la mirábamos.
We all watched her.
Todos lo mirábamos con atención.
Everyone watched it intently.
Mirábamos a la muchacha.
We watched the girl.
Fingimos que no le mirábamos.
We pretended not to watch.
Nosotros lo mirábamos en silencio.
We watched him in silence.
Ahora no mirábamos nada.
Now we watched nothing.
No babeábamos, pero mirábamos.
We didn’t drool, but we watched.
Hace cien años, Kas y yo a menudo mirábamos juntos el amanecer.
A hundred years ago, Kas and I'd often see the sun rise together.
Por la mañana nos levantábamos, hacíamos pis y mirábamos si mamá nos había abandonado.
It became part of our morning routine. Get up, pee check and see if Mom had abandoned us.
Los juntábamos todos y mirábamos a ver con cuáles merecía la pena quedarse.
We would lay them all out and see which ones were worth keeping.
¿Mirábamos lo mismo?
Were we seeing the same thing?
Y aunque los cuerdos pueden negar Que mirábamos a través de los ojos de Dios Y decir que eran sólo sinapsis defectuosas
And though the sane may deny we gazed through God's eyes and claim it was just some misfiring synapses flashing through a crack in our minds we all knew it was true we all knew we shared a view into something just too beautiful to prove
Don Juan y yo nos colocamos junto al hueco del muro y mirábamos los dos la región.
Don Juan and I positioned ourselves by the dip in the wall, and both of us peered out.
Yûichi y yo subíamos a veces hasta lo alto de una escalera estrecha en la oscuridad negra y brillante, y mirábamos juntos el fuego del infierno.
Yuichi and I are climbing a narrow ladder in the jet-black gloom. Together we peer into the cauldron of hell.
La mirábamos en silencio, admirados de la dignidad con que, recordaba la promesa hecha por Dios a Israel.
We regarded her silently, struck by the dignity with which she recalled God’s promise to Israel.
Dos actores muy famosos y apuestos habían dicho que estaban dispuestos a trabajar en la película artística de Feridun, pero tanto él como yo los mirábamos con desconfianza.
Two quite famous and handsome actors had already expressed an interest in Feridun’s art film, but he and I both regarded them with suspicion.
Nos mirábamos fijamente mientras yo era usada por quien fuera...
We would lock eyes while I was being used by whoever.
Hablábamos de nuestro día, discutíamos o sólo nos mirábamos de forma despectiva.
We were talking about our day, arguing, or giving each other the stink eye.
Nos mirábamos sin vernos.
We avoided each other’s eyes.
Nos mirábamos a los ojos sin parpadear.
Our eyes were locked in a stare.
Teníamos las manos fuertemente entrelazadas. Nos mirábamos a los ojos.
Our hands were tightly entwined. Our eyes locked.
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