Перевод для "melecio" на английский
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Melecio jadeó alarmado.
Meletius gasped with alarm.
El orador pronunciaba un panegírico a Melecio.
The speaker was delivering a eulogy of Meletius.
Pensaba que Melecio ignoraba todo lo ocurrido.
He thought that Meletius was ignorant of the whole affair.
Os referís al obispo Melecio. Ha muerto.
You refer to Bishop Meletius. He is dead.
Nunca supe si Melecio hablaba en serio o no.
I never know if Meletius is serious or not.
Al obispo Melecio le mencioné una interesante paradoja.
One interesting paradox I mentioned to Bishop Meletius.
Melecio se encogió de hombros. —Las costumbres antiguas son difíciles de eliminar.
Meletius shrugged. "Old customs are hard to break."
El obispo Melecio es un elegante irónico, al estilo de los habitantes de Alejandría.
Bishop Meletius is an elegant ironist, in the Alexandrian manner.
Melecio me ha dicho que el emperador espera estar en Constantinopla este otoño.
Meletius also told me that the Emperor expects to be in Constantinople this autumn.
Ayer fui a ver a mi viejo amigo el obispo Melecio.
Yesterday I paid a call on my old friend Bishop Meletius.
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