Перевод для "marido estaba vivo" на английский
Marido estaba vivo
Примеры перевода
6. La fuente añade que en febrero de 1995, sin embargo, las autoridades sirias dejaron de abonar las prestaciones mensuales a la Sra. at-Turkmani y le informaron de que su marido estaba vivo.
6. The source adds that in February 1995, however, the Syrian authorities stopped the monthly payments to Ms. atTurkmani and informed her that her husband was alive.
Me dio la sensación que Chloe era feliz cuando tu marido estaba vivo.
I got the sense from Chloe that she was happy once...when your husband was alive?
Era mucho más fácil cuando mi marido estaba vivo.
It was so much easier when my husband was alive.
Has tenido suficiente tiempo para avisarme que mi marido estaba vivo y sirviendo junto vosotros.
Surely you had time enough to warn me that my husband was alive and serving alongside you both.
Si hubiese tenido las escrituras a su nombre mientras su marido estaba vivo ahora no estaría sin dinero.
If she had had the title deeds made out in her name while her husband was alive she wouldn't be penniless now.
Sabías que tu marido estaba vivo.
You knew your husband was alive.
Vivía como una viuda aunque su marido estaba vivo.
Lived as a widow even as her husband was alive
Nunca tuvieron que volver andando del colegio cuando mi marido estaba vivo.
They never had to walk home from school when my husband was alive.
Mi marido está vivo y yo no quiero apresurar su muerte.
My husband is alive, and I wouldn’t want to hasten his death.
Eran los tiempos en que mi marido estaba vivo y yo todavía conducía.
“It was back when my husband was alive and when I was still driving the car.”
—Mintiendo. Era una mentira creíble: su marido estaba vivo cuando fuiste concebida.
By lying. It was a believable lie—her husband was alive when you were conceived.
Si tu marido sigue vivo, nosotros podemos hacer algo deprisa al respecto.
If your husband is alive, we can soon do something about it.
O que se trataba de alguien que quería hacerme objeto de explotación con el pretexto de que mi primer marido estaba vivo.
He thought also that it might be someone who wanted to blackmail me by pretending my first husband was alive.
De manera que darnos el verdadero día de su visita habría sido equivalente a decirnos que su marido estaba vivo, perfectamente bien y viviendo en East Deller después de haber informado de su desaparición.
So to give us the actual day of his visit would be tantamount to telling us her husband was alive and well and living in East Deller after she'd reported him missing.
Lady Franklin nunca ha parecido más hermosa que entonces, con toda su resolución, negándose a llorar, empecinada en que su marido está vivo y que hay que encontrar y rescatar a la expedición de sir John.
Lady Franklin has never looked more beautiful than now in her resolve, in her refusal to grieve, in her determination that her husband is alive and that Sir John’s expedition must be found and rescued.
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