Перевод для "malauíes" на английский
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Y entonces Malaui acogió al presidente Al-Bashir de Sudán, al que reclama la Corte Penal Internacional. —¿Y qué pasó?
“And then the Malawians hosted Sudan’s al-Bashir, who is wanted by the International Criminal Court.” “And what happened?”
Los sena tenían una manera particular de comer; no se limitaban a juntar un amasijo de pasta hervida para echarla en el estofado, como hacía otra gente en Malaui.
The Sena had a peculiar way of eating, not just gathering the lump of steamed dough and splashing it into the stew, as other Malawians did.
Y qué importante se habría sentido si la hubiera visto aquella misma mañana, en que al salir del President Hotel había estado a punto de tropezar con el Alto Comisionado de Malaui, que le había dicho: «Buenos días, mma Ramotswe.
And how important he would have felt had he seen her that very morning almost bumping into the Malawian High Commissioner as she left the President Hotel and the High Commissioner saying: "Good morning, Mma Ramotswe, you almost knocked me down there, but there's nobody I would rather be knocked down by than you, my goodness!"
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