Перевод для "listas de salarios" на английский
Listas de salarios
  • salary lists
  • lists wages
Примеры перевода
salary lists
Cada día pasaba dos horas en su despacho oficial, dictaba reprensiones a los diversos jefes de sección, examinaba con mirada de águila la lista de salarios, castigaba las menudas malversaciones que son el abecé de los almacenistas, refería a su administrador general la historia de cómo empezó él su carrera sin un céntimo, llegando con su laboriosidad a amasar una fortuna, y luego se encerraba en su gabinete y redactaba la carta o la conferencia (porque también actuaba de orador en las sociedades literarias), que ocupaban su atención en el momento.
For two hours a day he attended his head office and dictated reproofs to the various heads of departments, watched salary lists with the eye of an eagle, punished the petty defalcations which are the common experience of storekeepers, told his general manager the story of how he started life with nothing and by his industry and application to business had amassed a fortune—and then went back to his room, the windows of which looked across the budding green of trees, and composed the letter or the lecture (for he was in demand as a speaker at literary societies) which occupied his attention at the moment.
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