Перевод для "interrogaba" на английский
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Una vez, cuando estaba fuera del hangar, Dragan Nikolić le puso una bayoneta en la boca, mientras le insultaba e interrogaba constantemente.
Once, when he was outside the hangar, Dragan Nikolić put a bayonet into his mouth, while constantly insulting and questioning him.
El autor declara que se han violado sus derechos en virtud del Pacto porque se le negó el acceso a un abogado cuando se le interrogaba después de la detención.
3.1 The author claims a violation of his Covenant rights because he was denied access to a lawyer when questioned after his arrest.
94. En vista de que estaba trabajando como periodista, se informó a la Asociación de Periodistas y un representante de la Asociación y varios abogados estuvieron presentes mientras se le interrogaba.
93. In view of the fact that he was working as a journalist, the Journalists' Association was informed and a representative of the Association and several lawyers were present while he was being questioned.
101. En vista de que trabajaba como abogado, se informó a la Unión de Abogados de su detención y varios abogados estuvieron presentes mientras se le interrogaba.
100. In view of the fact that he was working as a lawyer, the Lawyers' Union was informed of his arrest and several lawyers were present while he was being questioned.
Así pues, el Sr. Lyashkevich estuvo siempre representado por un abogado mientras se le interrogaba como sospechoso o como acusado, así como durante las investigaciones que se realizaron.
Thus, Mr. Lyashkevich was always represented by a lawyer when he was questioned as a suspect or interrogated as an accused, as well when investigation acts have been carried out.
Cabe señalar que de hecho en ese momento se lo interrogaba como sospechoso, sin garantizarle el derecho a un abogado y a no declarar en su contra.
In fact, the applicant was being questioned at the time as a suspect, but without regard for his right of access to a defender or his right not to incriminate himself.
Fueron detenidas unas 12 personas que se encontraban presentes; 8 de ellas recibieron golpes en la cabeza y brazos y otras 2 fueron apaleadas más gravemente, mientras se les interrogaba acerca del sistema escolar.
The 12 people present were arrested; 8 were beaten on the head and arms and 2 were beaten more severely, while being questioned about the school system.
Muchas veces la policía interrogaba a los sospechosos sin haberles permitido hablar antes con un abogado.
Police agents often questioned suspects without giving them access to legal counsel.
Se informa de que docenas de colonos protestaron ante la comisaría de policía en la que se interrogaba al colono. (Jerusalem Post, 10 de abril)
Dozens of settlers reportedly protested outside the police station where the settler was being questioned. (Jerusalem Post, 10 April)
Así como el policía me interrogaba --
Just the way the cop was questioning me--
Yo le interrogaba habilmente...
I questioned her skillfully ...
Lauren era la que interrogaba.
Lauren was the one asking the questions.
Me burlaba de él, le interrogaba como una idiota.
I asked him stupid questions.
Una mujer estadounidense la interrogaba.
An American woman was questioning her.
Su comportamiento cuando me interrogaba...
See! The way he behaved when he questioned me...
Cuando hacíais prisioneros, ¿Los interrogabas tu mismo?
The prisoners you'd take... You questioned them yourself?
Me abandonaste mientras interrogaba.
You abandoning me during questioning.
No quería que pareciera que te interrogaba.
I didn't want to seem like I was questioning you.
Hizo una confesión total mientras lo interrogaba.
He made a total confession while I was questioning him.
Charley le interrogaba:
Charley questioned him.
Ella lo interrogaba con la mirada.
Her eyes questioned him.
Le interrogaba Mascaranti.
It was Mascaranti who questioned him.
—¿Y el joven que le interrogaba?
And the young man questioning him?
—Le interrogaba con la mirada—.
Her eyes were full of anxious questioning.
Antoine le interrogaba con la mirada;
Antoine threw him a questioning look;
Por lo demás, cuando él me interrogaba yo mentía.
Otherwise, when questioned, I lied.
¡Ay!, Gwynplaine se interrogaba.
Alas! Gwynplaine put himself questions.
Nadie interrogaba a Marcus Rippy.
No one questioned Marcus Rippy.
Dice que se le puso una venda en los ojos y que el hombre que lo interrogaba le golpeaba sin cesar en la cara.
He says that he was blindfolded and that he was repeatedly slapped in the face by his interrogator.
Se decía que fue torturado mientras se le interrogaba en la comisaría de Baucau y que tenía un brazo roto.
He was said to have been tortured while under interrogation at Baucau police station, as a result of which he suffered a broken arm.
Mientras se los interrogaba en los locales de la GN, fueron presuntamente objeto de duras palizas y amenazados de muerte.
While undergoing interrogation at GN premises, they were allegedly beaten severely and threatened with death.
Tras vendársele los ojos y ser atado, fue golpeado mientras se lo interrogaba acerca de las organizaciones en las que participaba.
Blindfolded and tied up, he was beaten while being interrogated about the organizations in which he is active.
Golpiza, bolsa plástica en la cabeza, amenazas de muerte mientras se les interrogaba sobre su supuesta posesión de armas
Beatings, plastic bag over the head, death threats while being interrogated about allegedly possessing weapons
79. El Servicio de Seguridad Militar interrogaba a las personas aprehendidas por el ejército y utilizaba la tortura de forma rutinaria.
79. Military Security interrogated those apprehended by the army and routinely used torture.
Según el forense esta contusión es compatible con la información según la cual el Sr. Neil se desplomó de frente sobre la mesa en que se le interrogaba.
According to the pathologist the aforementioned contusion is consistent with the information regarding Mr. Neil's slumping forward against the interrogation table.
Aquí se los interrogaba en detalle.
Here, they were interrogated in détail.
¿Interrogaba comunistas en la sala de redacción?
You interrogated communists in your newsroom?
Yo estaba ahí, observando cómo lo interrogaba Bonner.
I was there watching that cop Bonner interrogate you.
Dime. ¿Me interrogabas así cuando estábamos juntos?
Tell me. Did you interrogate me like this when we were together?
El hermano de Fayed murió mientras Jack lo interrogaba.
Fayed's brother died while Jack was interrogating him.
Me interrogaba a fondo cada vez.
He interrogated me every time.
"Johnny, el aguacil, interrogaba"
Johnny, the bailiff, interrogated
El que le interrogaba trabaja con Khasinau.
Those people who interrogated Will, they work for Khasinau.
Interrogaba a agentes dobles sospechosos.
He interrogated double agents in the company.
Perseguía e interrogaba al pasado, al mismo tiempo que éste me interrogaba a mí.
I haunted and interrogated the past even as it interrogated me.
Mientras tanto, Javier lo interrogaba.
While Javier interrogated him.
Aquella noche soñé que Herzog me interrogaba.
That night I dreamed that Herzog was interrogating me.
Hendaya se arrodillaba frente a ella y la interrogaba.
Hendaya had knelt down next to her and was interrogating her.
Detrás de él oyó que O'Shea interrogaba a Kohl.
Behind him he heard O’Shea interrogating Kohl.
—Las órbitas de la Muerte resplandecieron mientras interrogaba a su memoria—.
Death’s eyesockets glowed as he interrogated his memory.
Hoy, el inspector criminal Martin Hägerström no era el que interrogaba, sino el interrogado.
Today Deputy Inspector Martin Hägerström was not the one doing the interrogating; today he was the one being interrogated.
Me interrogabas sin previo aviso sobre los hombres que había conocido antes que a ti.
Interrogating me offhandedly about the men I had had before you.
Anteriormente, el tribunal interrogaba a los sospechosos a petición de estos o sus abogados.
Previously, the court would examine suspects at the request of the suspects or their counsel, etc.
Siempre los interrogabas.
Always cross-examining them.
A cada testigo lo interrogaba la parte contraria.
Each witness was to be cross-examined.
Se ponía unos tontos anteojos y te interrogaba hasta que encontraba una grieta.
He’d put on these silly glasses and cross-examine you until he found a crack.
Una y otra vez se interrogaba sin piedad. ¿Había hecho trampas? No exactamente. ¿Había engañado?
Time and again he cross-examined himself mercilessly. Had he cheated? Not exactly. Had he misled?
Cuando el Consejo de Estado interrogaba a Lilburne, en un momento dado lo mandaron a una habitación contigua;
During John Lilburne’s examination by the Council of State, at one point he was sent into an adjoining room;
—Ea, míster Finch no se portaba igual con Mayella y el viejo Ewell cuando los interrogaba.
“Well, Mr. Finch didn’t act that way to Mayella and old man Ewell when he cross-examined them.
Examinaba a cada una pensando que eran miembros del jurado: las interrogaba buscando debilidades, mentiras, incompetencia.
She examined them as though each one was a juror: she probed, looking for weaknesses, lies, incompetence.
En contraste con Thomas Bannister, Brendon O'Conner interrogaba en tono impaciente, con la voz de un actor que representa a Shakespeare.
In contrast to Thomas Bannister, Brendon O’Conner examined impatiently with the voice of a Shakespearean actor.
Le había vuelto a mentir anoche, en la habitación de Ricky, cuando Greenway le interrogaba, y contó sólo la primera versión de la verdad.
Then last night, in Ricky’s room, under cross-examination by Greenway, he had told the first version of the truth.
La persona que la interrogaba era Lord Minto, ex embajador en Malta y uno de los amigos del héroe, que llevaba con ellos varias semanas.
Her cross-examiner was Lord Minto, former ambassador to Malta and one of the hero’s friends, who was staying with them for several weeks.
Si Grayza te interrogaba... no podía dejarte que le dieras las sondas Darnaz
If Grayza asked... couldn't have you giving her the Darnaz Probes?
Lo interrogaba el Consejo de Recursos acerca de perforar la Ladera Norte. Le preguntaron si el Presidente consideraba utilizar la reserva.
He was at a Q and A at the NRDC about drilling the North slope he was asked if the president would consider tapping into the SPR.
Quien le interrogaba lo entendía y no preguntaba más.
The enquirer would understand, and ask no more.
Tampoco me interrogaba sobre dónde estaría Nils.
She never again asked where Nils was.
¿Con qué propósito os interrogaba el maestro Strawberry? —preguntó.
Then he asked, "Wherefore doth Master Strawberry make inquiry of you?"
–El inspector, aquí presente, me interrogaba sobre un hombre que he visto.
“The inspector here was asking me about a man I saw.”
¿Cómo puedes entender lo que quiero decir?, interrogaba ese tono.
How can you understand what I mean? that tone asked.
—¿Le dio alguien instrucciones de que no la mencionara si no se le interrogaba respecto a ella?
“Did someone give you instructions not to mention it unless you were asked?”
—Y Luet interrogaba a Padre… acerca de sus recuerdos.
"Sure." "And Luet was testing Father-about his memories.
Si entraban mujeres las colocaban en una zona separada del resto por un cristal esmerilado, y tu madre interrogaba a Ambie sobre cuánto habían bebido y en qué condiciones habían regresado a casa.
If women went they were put in a place partitioned off by frosted glass and your mother used to cross-examine Ambie on the drinks they had had and the condition they went home in.
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