Перевод для "indiferentes" на английский
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Esta situación no nos puede dejar indiferentes.
We cannot remain indifferent to this situation.
No somos indiferentes a ella.
We are not indifferent to it.
No podemos permanecer indiferentes a este peligro.
We cannot remain indifferent to this threat.
Siendo una antigua colonia, Malasia no es indiferente a esta situación.
As a former colony, Malaysia was not indifferent to the situation.
Es una cuestión totalmente indiferente dónde algo se originó.
It is a matter of perfect indifference where a thing originated.
No es el momento de congratularse ni de permanecer indiferente.
This is no time for complacency and no time for indifference.
Esas cifras no pueden dejarnos indiferentes.
Those figures cannot leave us indifferent.
Es totalmente indiferente.
It's totally indifferent.
Ahora, es indiferente.
Now he's indifferent.
Bueno, malo, indiferente...
Good, bad, indifferent.
O simplemente indiferentes.
Or simply indifferent.
Me resultas indiferente pero no es indiferente.
I'm indifferent to you but you're not indifferent to me.
Feliz, triste, indiferente.
Happy, sad, indifferent
- ¿Fue usted indiferente?
- Were you indifferent?
No, ya no era indiferente.
No, he was no longer indifferent.
Nada le era indiferente.
She was indifferent to nothing.
Ya no le era indiferente.
No longer was Vêrmund indifferent.
¡Mentiroso! ¿Cómo pudiste ser tan indiferente con mi corazón?
How could you be so careless with my heart?
Todos los rasgos de un seductor indiferente.
All the traits of a careless seducer.
No perdáis las ventajas de su cariño mostrándoos frío o indiferente hacia él.
Lose not the good advantage of his grace By seeming cold or careless of his will.
no adormezcas su amor, no pierdas las ventajas de su cariño mostrándote frío o indiferente hacia él.
Blunt not his love, Lose not the good advantage of his grace By seeming cold or careless of his will.
Porque las acciones indiferentes del lider militar, Ratchet nos llevaron a esto.
Because the Warlord Ratchet's careless actions led to this.
Sus modales indiferentes
Her manners were careless
Pero ahora también eres indiferente.
But now, you are careless as well.
El sol descendía indiferente y hermoso.
The sun was careless and beautiful.
—Yo no los llamaría indiferentes —dijo.
“I wouldn’t call them careless,” he said.
El tono quería ser indiferente; pero Johnny no se equivocó.
The tone was careless, but Johnny was not deceived.
o, con palabras indiferentes, nublar un día radiante?
Or with a careless word to cloud the summer day?
¿No es acaso indiferente a las tradiciones de nuestra gran raza?
Is he careless of the traditions of our great race?
—¿No? —El tono de Arthur es indiferente, su sonrisa sardónica;
“No?” Arthur’s tone is careless, his grin sardonic;
El actor hizo un gesto indiferente. —A cualquier sitio.
The actor made a careless gesture. “Anywhere.
todo está en calma, indiferente, y parece burlarse de ella.
everything is so calm, so careless, and seems to mock her.
¿Por qué estás tan indiferente?
Why are you so cool?
Solo mantente ocupada e indiferente.
Just keep busy and look cool.
Quieres seguir actuando indiferente, profesional.
You want to keep acting cool, professional.
No puedo ser indiferente.
I can't play it cool.
Haciéndose la indiferente y eso.
Mm. Playing it cool and whatnot.
¿Frío, indiferente, no necesitado?
Cause you seem a little-- - What? Cool, aloof, not needy?
Tienes que ser indiferente, distante.
You got to be cool, aloof.
No seas tan indiferente.
No need to play it cool.
Nunca soy indiferente.
I'm never cool.
Ahora era indiferente y fría.
Now it was light and cool.
—El espadachín, frío e indiferente—.
The swordsman, cool and detached.
Procuré sonar frío e indiferente.
I tried to sound cool and offhand.
No frío ni indiferente, sino solo distante.
Not cold, not even cool, just distant.
—La voz de Nan era indiferente y su actitud cortés.
Nan's voice was cool and her manner courteous.
Debo mantenerme tranquila, indiferente y desenfadada.
I must be cool and breezy and nonchalant now.
—No sucedió nada especial —dio con una sonrisa indiferente.
“Nothing special happened,” she said with a cool smile.
¡Si pudiese sentirse tan indiferente y serena como él!
If only she could be as cool and casual as he was!
– repitió, y no parecía tan indiferente como de costumbre-.
he repeated, and he didn't sound quite as cool as usual.
Si los miembros de la sociedad se sienten marginados por la política o son indiferentes a ella, no querrán participar en sus gobiernos.
Members of society who feel apathetic or left behind by policies will not want to participate in their governments.
Consideramos que en esas situaciones la comunidad internacional no puede permanecer indiferente, especialmente cuando se cometen violaciones graves y sistemáticas de los derechos humanos que afectan a miles de personas.
We believe that in such situations the international community cannot remain apathetic, especially in cases where gross and systematic violations of human rights, involving thousands of people, are perpetrated.
Al menos no son indiferentes, ¿no?
I mean, at least they aren't apathetic, right?
Y, o bien que hacer un activista, o indiferente
And, it will either make you an activist, or apathetic.
"Indiferente, apática, desmotivada. " Eso es tuyo.
"Listless, apathetic, having no interest in anything." That's yours.
La gente se vuelve más indiferente.
People became apathetic
¿O debo ser indiferente?
Or will it make me apathetic'?
Normalmente son tan indiferentes con esta clase de cosas.
They're usually so apathetic about this sort of thing.
Eres... como un suizo, harto e indiferente.
You're like Switzerland! Well-fed and apathetic. I, on the contrary, am starving and impassioned.
Pero si hubieras estado desempeñando a la perfección ese papel, entonces no hubieses podido ser tan indiferente.
But if you were really playing the part, then you couldn't have been so apathetic.
A pesar de la reciente sobredosis en el instituto Malibú Canyon, los estudiantes se muestran aparentemente indiferentes.
Despite the recent overdose at Malibu Canyon High, the students are seemingly apathetic.
¡Ningún judío puede permanecer indiferente!
No Jew can be apathetic!
Las masas siguen siendo tan necias e indiferentes como antes;
The masses remain as stolid and apathetic as before;
Su aspecto era severo e indiferente, como si estuvieran junto a una tumba desconocida.
They were aloof and apathetic, as if at a stranger’s grave.
Su expresión era indiferente y el paso algo vacilante. —¡Lo mismo!
He also had that apathetic expression and slightly unsteady walk. “The same again!”
Se sentó en un tronco del embarcadero, cansado, dolorido e indiferente. Solo.
He sat on a log in the port, weary, sore and apathetic. Alone.
Durante el viaje, y en continuo movimiento, se habían mostrado apáticos e indiferentes.
As long as they had been on the transport and in motion they had apathetically kept on moving.
Si la gente pudiera ver y oír el pasado, entonces ya no sería posible mantenerse indiferente.
If people could see and hear the past, then it would no longer be possible to remain apathetic.
pero su tono era indiferente, apático, como el de quien aun haciendo una pregunta se inquieta poco por la contestación que pueda venir.
but her tone was listless, apathetic, as of one who though uttering a question is incurious as to what the answer may be.
Y él se muestra como indiferente...
But he's also distant...
Soy indiferente con mi familia.
I'm emotionally distant for my family.
Nos acusará de indiferentes, distantes, crueles y de no establecer relaciones.
It will say that you are uncaring, distant, have no compassion, are not relating.
—¿Ah, sí? —contesté con lo que esperé que fuese un tono distante e indiferente.
‘Is that so?’ I said in what I hoped was a distant, uninterested tone.
—Yo soy el tipo más distante del mundo cuando alguien me es indiferente —dijo—.
I am the most distant fellow in the world when I don't care for a man,
—Pareces tan indiferente, con tan pocas ganas de estar conmigo. —Estás exagerando.
‘You seem so distant, so uninterested in me.’ ‘You’re exaggerating.
La muerte de semejante personaje no la dejaba tan indiferente como pudo haberla dejado en otro tiempo.
The death of such a person was not as distant a concept as it had once been.
Y luego, con una voz lejana e indiferente, Al Bliss dijo: —¿Con quién hablo?
And then in a distant, detached voice Al Bliss said, "Who am I talking to?"
Miré a mis dos cabalgaduras que aguardaban, indiferentes a todo, reflejando en sus pupilas las luces distantes.
I looked at my two mounts, their eyes reflecting the distant glow.
—El pie de Jimmy se levantó en una patada indiferente—.
Jimmy’s foot lifted in a half-hearted attempt at a kick.
No era indiferente como los himnos de los monótonos domingos en que la congregación preferiría estar en la cama o con sus novias.
Not heard as half-hearted hymns are heard on monotonous Sundays when the congregation would rather be in bed or with their sweethearts.
—Y-yo quise decir... que sería un beso indiferente —dijo ella con un jadeo, tratando de alejarse de él—.
"I-I meant to say half-hearted," she said breathlessly, trying to wriggle away from him.
En el exterior, los disparos menguaron como un aplauso indiferente, estallaron de nuevo por un momento y luego cesaron por completo.
Outside the gunfire dwindled like half-hearted applause, flared up again and then ceased.
Sybil Shade procedía de una familia católica, pero desde la infancia se creó, como me lo contó ella misma, «una religión propia», lo cual suele ser sinónimo, en el mejor de los casos, de una adhesión tibia a alguna secta semipagana o, en el peor de los casos, de ateísmo indiferente.
Sybil Shade came from a Catholic family but since early girlhood developed, as she told me herself, "a religion of her own" - which is generally synonymous, at the best, with a half-hearted attachment to some half-heathen sect or, at the worst, with tepid atheism.
Aunque Sam mantenía ese tipo de incidentes bajo mínimos y era comúnmente sabido que yo era una loca y, por lo tanto, inestable, más de una vez tuve que hacer frente a un acoso algo violento, así como a algunas insinuaciones indiferentes de tíos que estaban demasiado borrachos para que les importaran mis condiciones mentales.
(Though Sam keeps such incidents down to a minimum, and it was widely known I was crazy and therefore undesirable, I certainly had to put up with the occasional aggressive advance, as well as a certain amount of half-hearted passes from guys who got too drunk to care that I was supposed to be crazy.)
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