Перевод для "incluso en ser" на английский
Incluso en ser
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even in being
La delincuencia transnacional se dedicaba al tráfico ilícito, de armas, drogas, sustancias peligrosas e incluso de seres humanos, y también dejaba tras de sí una estela de crímenes, corrupción, y daños humanos y ecológicos.
Transnational criminals were engaged in trafficking in arms, drugs, hazardous substances and even human beings, leaving behind a trail of crime, corruption and human and environmental damage.
Incluso los seres humanos sin metafunciones poseen una vida extremadamente tenaz.
Even human beings without metafunctions have been mighty tenacious of life.
Incluso los seres humanos se vieron afectados por su presencia, como si existiera algún tipo de relación entre ellos y aquella.
Even human beings were affected by it, as if both it and they were realities.
—dijo Heinrich razonablemente. Era razonable la mayor parte del tiempo, incluso cuando ser razonable no lo era—.
Heinrich said reasonably-he was reasonable most of the time, even when being reasonable wasn't.
Su bondad era abrumadora, sin ser en absoluto sentimental; tal vez, incluso, sin ser del todo personal.
His kindness was overwhelming, without ever being in the least sentimental, without even, perhaps, being personal.
«No existen caballeros entre los superiores, e incluso los seres humanos son en verdad escasos», escribió a Edith.
‘Gentlemen are non-existent among the superiors, and even human beings rare indeed,’ he wrote to Edith.
En el arte renacentista, incluso los seres dionisíacos, como la Cleopatra de Shakespeare, están subordinados al orden social y moral.
In Renaissance art, even Dionysian beings, like Shakespeare’s Cleopatra, are subordinated to social and moral order.
Los sacerdotes, en una lengua que no era la inglesa ni la francesa, cantaban y hablaban a esculturas, pinturas e incluso a seres completamente invisibles.
Speaking a language that was neither English nor French, the priests sang and talked to statues, to pictures, and even to beings that were completely invisible.
Las plantas, los animales e incluso los seres humanos poseían características dimensionales que se ajustaban con misteriosa exactitud a la razón de Phi a 1.
Plants, animals, and even human beings all possessed dimensional properties that adhered with eerie exactitude to the ratio of PHI to 1.
Me parece que nuestros antepasados debieron sostener grandes conflictos por ser diferentes, incluso por ser excluidos de la mayoría social.
It seems to me our ancestors must have had long histories of being different, even of being excluded from the social majority.
El miedo que se puede sentir por los genitales, el miedo, incluso, a ser arrastrado al interior del probador para ser brutalmente violado, no es nada comparado con el hecho de ser reconocido como un hombre.
Fear for one’s gonads, fear even of being bundled into a changing-cubicle and roughly raped, meant nothing beside being acknowledged as a man.
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