Перевод для "ha agregado" на английский
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El Sr. Hughes ha agregado otros 11 mecánicos para la prueba inicial... colocados en puntos estratégicos de la nave... para comprobar la presión y la tensión.
Mr. Hughes, however, has added 11 maintenance men to this maiden taxi test stationed at various places throughout the ship, checking points of stress and strain.
En la temporada baja, el lago Lacrimógeno tiene muy pocos visitantes, así que la empresa del ferri ha agregado cierta letra chica, una frase que quiere decir "tal vez no la leas hasta que sea tarde".
During the off-season, Lake Lachrymose has very few visitors, which is why the ferry company has added two words to the bottom of their schedule in fine print, a phrase which here means "you might miss reading it until it was too late."
En realidad, su Señoría, la defensa requiere más tiempo porque la parte actora ha agregado un testigo a su lista a quien no hemos tenido oportunidad de tomarle declaración.
Well, actually, Your Honor, the defense would be requesting more time. The plaintiff has added a witness to its list whom we've not had the opportunity to depose.
Esto le ha agregado aún más urgencia... al esfuerzo de rescate aquí, en la superficie.
It has added yet more urgency to the rescue effort here, on the surface.
FB ha agregado dos nuevos miembros... a su creciente familia.
FB has added two new additions to its growing family.
Pero en los últimos años mi familia ha agregado tantas cosas que el austero diseño original quedó borrado en su totalidad por nuevos edificios y complicados jardines.
But in recent years my family has added so much to the old palace that the original austere design has been completely obscured by new buildings and elaborate gardens.
Pero dijo muchas cosas en esas veintiséis páginas, y el señor Griggs ha agregado otras que nos tientan a completar los puntos suspensivos, pero no con los hechos que la propia Sara podría habernos revelado.
But she said many things in those twenty-six pages, and Mr. Griggs has added others that tempt us to fill in the dots, though not with the facts that she might have given us.
Hoy, aunque los riesgos para empezar un negocio siguen siendo altos, la experiencia que obtuvimos con esas pequeñas empresas con problemas que fracasaron se ha agregado a mi habilidad para empezar compañías más estables y que tienen mejores probabilidades de éxito a largo plazo.
Today, even though the risks are still high in starting a business, the experience gained from running those small struggling companies that failed has added to my ability to start companies that are more stable and have a better long-term chance of success.
Ha agregado la bebida a la lista de cosas que solo hace con su esposa.
So I think he's adding drinking to the list of things he's only done with his wife.
Y creo que está muy involucrado, inclusive ahora con el concepto deportivo de lo mejor de sí a lo que creo que le ha agregado algo extra al realizar un dibujo obstaculizando el proceso de manera física.
And I think that he's very involved, even now, in the sports concept of personal best, where I think that he added something extra to the making of a drawing by hindering the process in-in some physical way.
Él ha agregado un nuevo miembro a su familia.
He's added a new member to his coven.
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