Перевод для "gozaba" на английский
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El Tribunal también desestimó la pretensión del acusado según la cual gozaba de inmunidad de jurisdicción.
The Tribunal also dismissed his claim that he enjoyed immunity from prosecution.
La mujer gozaba de un trato imparcial en el sistema de justicia penal.
Women enjoyed impartial treatment within the criminal justice system.
Su población gozaba de los mismos derechos políticos que las demás poblaciones chinas.
Its population enjoyed the same political rights as other Chinese populations.
Durante los 70 años de dominio soviético de Azerbaiyán, la región gozaba de autonomía.
During the 70 years of Soviet rule in Azerbaijan, the region had enjoyed the right of self-government.
Gibraltar gozaba ya de bastante autonomía.
62. Gibraltar currently enjoyed a large measure of self-government.
En la actualidad, más del 90% del país gozaba de estabilidad política y social.
At present, over 90 per cent of the country enjoyed political and social stability.
En la práctica, lo que realizaba el papel del Estado era su capacidad para actuar y el apoyo político de que gozaba.
In practice, the role of the State is enhanced by its capacity to act and by the political support it enjoys.
Gozaba de una particular credibilidad entre los países en desarrollo.
It enjoyed unique credibility with developing countries.
La Asamblea gozaba ahora de una situación jurídica nueva.
The Assembly now enjoys new legal status.
Recordé que gozaba haciéndolo.
And I remembered I used to enjoy it.
Ud. no gozaba de ningún privilegio entonces.
You enjoyed no privilege there.
Y al ver reír a todos, él gozaba.
And as he watched everybody laugh, he enjoyed it.
- Sí. - ¿Con Dado, también gozabas? - ¿Con Dalibor?
Did you enjoy with Dado, too?
Cuánto tiempo hace que no gozaba de esta aventura...
I haven't enjoyed this good fortune for a long time...
Como Japón gozaba de paz, la era Samurai estaba por terminar.
As feudal Japan enjoys peace the samurai era is waning.
Quería gozar y gozaba con todo, incluso con mi propia muerte.
I loved everything, enjoyed everything, even my own death.
Y ella también gozaba".
And she enjoyed it too".
"Howard gozaba de la misma reputación..."
Howard enjoyed a certain reputation for exact--
gozaba con su compañía.
enjoyed her company.
Gozaba de mi libertad.
I enjoyed my liberty.
Y ahora gozaba de la situación.
And he enjoyed it now.
El reverendo gozaba con su compañía.
He enjoyed her company.
Ella gozaba fingiendo no tenerla.
She enjoyed pretending not to be in one.
Y gozaba de los frutos de sus logros.
And he enjoyed the fruits of his accomplishments.
gozaba del usufructo de mi muerte.
I was enjoying the usufruct of my death.
Gozaba con la atención que ella le prestaba.
He enjoyed the attention she gave him.
porque era el mejor, y gozaba demostrándolo.
because he was the best and he enjoyed proving it.
Sí había una sensación: gozaba con ello.
He’ d felt something: he’ d enjoyed it.
Gozaba con las ilusorias promesas que ellos le hacían para llegar a poseerla.
joyed the lying promises they made in order to possess her.
Los placeres del ocio, de los que rara vez gozaba, aún no habían perdido un ápice de su novedad.
The joys of leisure, rarely indulged, had not yet lost a grain of their newness.
La señora Simmonds gozaba —o eso creía Howard— haciéndolo esperar.
It gave Mrs Simmonds joy, or so Howard believed, to make him wait all those years.
El peso del zorro plateado que llevaba sobre los hombros se lo recordaba, y gozaba previamente del momento en que la desconfianza de Mukoki y de Wabigoon se convirtiera de pronto en asombro y alegría.
The burden of the silver fox upon his shoulders was a most pleasing reminder of that, and he pictured the moment when the good-natured raillery of Mukoki and Wabigoon would be suddenly turned into astonishment and joy.
En cualquier caso nunca he regalado nada con más ganas, aunque no se debe ser tan generoso» En cuanto al estado de Joy todavía cojeaba («los doctores, más que la enfermedad, le acortaron una pierna», dijo Lewis), pero por lo demás gozaba de buena salud.
Well, never was gift more gladly given; but one must not be fanciful.’ As to Joy’s condition, though she still limped badly (‘the doctors, rather than the disease, shortened one leg’. Lewis said) she was otherwise in good health.
Gozaba especialmente, compartiendo con Flossie su trabajo con los animales; aunque su presencia molestaba al oso pardo, que a veces le gruñía, Mildred Alce le veía como a un amigo más y, a veces, le acompañaba durante largas caminatas, olisqueándole por el camino.
He found special joy in sharing with Flossie her work with animals, and whereas her grizzly resented his presence and sometimes growled at him, Mildred the Moose saw in him one more friend and would sometimes walk considerable distances with him, nudging him along with her nose.
Sólo mi madre no gozaba del beneficio de aquella renovación. Especialmente porque yo la sentía hostil al sueño —que creía loco— que se formaba poco a poco en mí. Yo le reprochaba que no se deslumbrara. «¿No ves lo que esa gente busca en ti?» —repetía ella sin sospechar que arriesgaba así la destrucción de mi inmensa alegría por haber gustado al fin a una muchacha.
Only my mother did not reap the benefit of this renewal of myself—in the first place because I felt that she was hostile to the dream (which I thought mad) that was slowly taking shape within me. I was angry with her because she was not dazzled. “Don’t you see that these people are trying to attract you?” she kept on saying, without any idea that she was thus running the risk of destroying my immense joy in having at last found favour in a girl’s eyes.
Se desentendió de todo a su alrededor. Cotejaba mezcla de matices y en su imaginación conformaba imágenes en armonía con la luz y resolvía obstáculos pictóricos; jugaba frenéticamente con la selección de colores, diversificación de ángulos, caprichosos laberintos técnicos. Se sentía envuelto en el sutil ambiente del arte, de la estética, y muy atento a sus limitaciones y afán de libertad de expresión, gozaba con ciertos toques geniales —quizás un tanto arbitrarios— pero preñados de sinceridad interpretativa. Era algo peculiar que esta manifestación del destino de un hombre, de un artista como él, capaz de crear por sí mismo obras de gran mérito, hombre de gran sensibilidad y tan devotamente dedicado a su arte, un pintor infatigable e imaginativo, fuera en el fondo un simple buscador de la felicidad, un individuo frustrado por su fracaso en el plano sentimental. El propio Veraguth no se percataba de esta dolorosa realidad, por haber renunciado años atrás a la vida armónica familiar. Contra el sufrimiento había esgrimido su resignación; su laisser faire anímico personal, su energía laboral, fertilidad imaginativa, el brillo de su genio, y todo ello en contraste con su vida en plan humanístico y familiar. Era una situación en la que su obstinación y el influjo de su poder creador lo adormecían ante el embate de la verdadera dimensión vital.
With intense concentration he compared the canvas with the living picture within him. He felt the music of the light, how its resounding stream dispersed and came together again, how it flagged on meeting resistance, how it was absorbed but triumphed invincibly anew on every receptive surface, how it played on the colors with capricious but infallibly precise sensibility, intact despite a thousand refractions and in all its playful meanders unswervingly faithful to its inborn law. And with relish he breathed the heady air of art, the bitter joy of the creator who must give himself till he stands on the brink of annihilation, and can find the sacred happiness of freedom only in an iron discipline that checks all caprice and gains moments of fulfillment only through ascetic obedience to his sense of truth. It was strange and sad, but no more strange and sad than all human destiny: this disciplined artist, who derived his power to work from the deepest truthfulness and from clear uncompromising concentration, this same man in whose studio there was no place for whim or uncertainty, had been a dilettante in his life, a failure in his search for happiness, and he, who never sent a bungled drawing or painting out into the world, suffered deeply under the dark weight of innumerable bungled days and years, bungled attempts at love and life. Of this he was not conscious. For years he had not felt the need to see his life clearly. He had suffered and resisted suffering in rebellion and resignation, but then he had taken to letting things ride and saving himself for his work. With grim tenacity, he had almost succeeded in giving his art the richness, depth, and warmth that his life had lost.
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