Перевод для "fueron importados" на английский
Fueron importados
Примеры перевода
Del total de 10 importados en 2002 y 2003, 7 fueron importados, pero no se han transferido aún al Commonwealth de Australia
Of the total of 10 imported in 2002 and 2003, 7 were imported but have not yet transferred to the Commonwealth of Australia
Bien, las drogas en cuestión en este caso fueron importadas dos semanas antes de la supuesta conspiración de Cary.
Okay, so the drugs at issue in this case were imported two weeks before Cary allegedly committed conspiracy.
Le haré saber que muchos de esos peces fueron importados.
I'll have you know that many of those fish were imported.
Sin embargo, varios miles de esclavos fueron importados a partir de entonces.
Yet thousands, tens of thousands more slaves were imported since then.
—¿Sabía usted que fueron importadas en cajones de libros destinados a su Instituto?
Did you know that these were imported in cases of books addressed to your Institute?
– Pretendo decir que fueron importados ilegalmente, en violación del embargo comercial -le digo.
"It means they were imported into the country illegally. In violation of a trade embargo," I tell him.
Fueron importados. Recuerdo que Lavery hizo unos comentarios referentes a su rareza y su exquisitez hace unas semanas.
They were imported, I know—I remember Lavery commenting on their rarity and beauty a few weeks ago.
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