Перевод для "estilo tibetano" на английский
Estilo tibetano
  • tibetan style
Примеры перевода
tibetan style
El suelo estaba construido con tablas de madera viejas pero limpias, y varias alfombras de estilo tibetano lo cubrían. Había tapices y fragmentos de pergamino enmarcados repartidos por las paredes.
Similar to the exterior of the building, the interior walls were whitewashed, and the floor was constructed with old but well-scrubbed wooden planks. Several Tibetan-style rugs covered the floor, and the walls were dotted with tapestries and framed bits of parchment.
Uno al lado del otro debían de parecer gordos como trolls, sospechaba Nelson, envueltos como iban en varias capas de ropa, con pantalones gruesos, chaquetas acolchadas, mitones y gorros de lana al estilo tibetano, y con el vaho saliendo a chorro de su boca.
Side by side, the two of them must look as fat as trolls, Nelson suspected, swathed as they were in layers of clothing, in their thick trousers and padded jackets and mittens and Tibetan-style woollen hats, and with their breath steaming from their mouths.
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