Перевод для "establece hecho" на английский
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Así pues, esto significa que, si la presunta víctima establece hechos que permiten determinar que fue objeto de discriminación de forma directa o indirecta, la carga de la prueba ante el tribunal incumbe al demandado.
This means, thus, that in case the wronged person establishes facts that allow one to ascertain that he or she was subjected to direct or indirect discrimination, the burden of proof before the court is incumbent upon the respondent.
Además, cuando la persona que se considera objeto de discriminación establece hechos sobre la base de los cuales se puede presumir que ha habido discriminación, directa o indirecta, incumbe al empleador probar que no se ha infringido el principio del trato igual.
Furthermore, when persons who consider themselves discriminated against establish facts from which it may be presumed that there has been direct or indirect discrimination, it is for the employer to prove that there has been no breach of the principle of equal treatment.
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