Перевод для "ese poder perdido" на английский
Ese poder perdido
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En su interior hay divergencias entre los originarios de Rwanda, partidarios de expulsar a Kabila y recuperar el poder perdido, y sectores democráticos que optan por el reencuentro de los congoleses y la instauración de un régimen democrático.
Within the party there were differences between Rwandan nationals, who favoured getting rid of Kabila and recovering their lost power, and democratic factions which favoured a reconciliation among the Congolese people and the establishment of a democratic regime.
En su interior hay divergencias entre los originarios de Rwanda -partidarios de expulsar a Kabila y recuperar el poder perdido- y sectores democráticos que optan por el reencuentro de los congoleses.
Within the party there were differences between Rwandan nationals, who favoured getting rid of Kabila and recovering their lost power, and democratic factions, which favoured reconciliation among the Congolese people.
En contra de todo lo sabido, tanto por aficionados como por expertos, sus poderes perdidos hacía años que estaban resurgiendo.
In defiance of all that was known by amateurs and experts alike, her lost powers had been coming back for years.
Muchos inocentes murieron en el intento de este señor de la guerra de reconquistar su poder perdido, pero al final tuvo que rendirse, al menos por el momento.
Several innocent people were killed when he tried to regain his lost power. In the end he had to give up, for the time being.
En la actualidad, los nobles descendientes de los maestros seguían al pie del cañón, buscando ciegamente la luz, intentando reconquistar el poder perdido del pasado, intentando mantener a raya la oscuridad.
To this day, the noble descendants of the Adepts soldiered on, grasping blindly for the Light, trying to recapture the lost power of their past, trying to keep the darkness at bay.
Y el compañero del Hombre Cefalópodo Azul, Harry North -un profesor de física en Leopoldville-, restauró aquellos poderes perdidos justo a tiempo para pillar a los monstruos «de Agakana, el cuarto planeta de Próxima».
And the electronic device by which the Blue Cephalopod Man's sidekick, Harry North, a physics professor at Leopoldville, restored those lost powers, just in time to nab the monsters from "Proxima's fourth planet, Agakana,"
La mala suerte (quizá combinada con la astucia de alguno de sus adversarios en el gobierno) desbarató sus planes: una huelga de controladores aéreos obligó a aplazar el congreso unos días en el momento en que Suárez ya había comunicado su propósito de dimitir a varios ministros y jefes de filas de su partido, y el resultado de esta contrariedad fue que, convencido de que la primicia no podría mantenerse en secreto durante tanto tiempo, tuvo que dar a conocer su dimisión antes de lo previsto, de forma que cuando por fin se celebró el congreso en la primera semana de febrero el tiempo transcurrido desde el anuncio de su retirada había amortiguado el impacto de la noticia, que no le alcanzó para recuperar el poder perdido pero sí para hacerse con el control de la directiva de UCD, para ser el miembro de ésta más votado por sus compañeros y para que el congreso puesto en pie lo aclamara calurosamente.
Bad luck (perhaps combined with the cunning of some of his adversaries in the government) thwarted his plans: a strike of air traffic controllers forced the conference to be postponed for a few days right at the moment when Suárez had already communicated his intention to resign to several ministers and some of the rank and file leaders of his party, and the result of this setback was that, convinced that the scoop couldn’t be kept secret for so long, he had to make his resignation known before he’d planned, so when the conference was finally held in the first week of February the time gone by since the announcement of his withdrawal had dampened the impact of the news, which was not enough to recover his lost power but was enough to allow him to take control of the leadership of the UCD, to be the member with the most votes from his fellow Party members and for the conference to give him a long and warm standing ovation.
that power lost
—O a cualquier gran poder perdido —explicó Valentine—, debido a una negativa a servir.
“Or any great power lost,” said Valentine, “out of a refusal to serve.
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