Перевод для "es incomprensible" на английский
Es incomprensible
Примеры перевода
it's incomprehensible
Es incomprensible que no recuerdo haberlo visto.
It's incomprehensible he didn't remember seeing him.
Es incomprensible que semejante individuo haya sido invitado a nuestro castillo.
That such an individual has been invited to the castle... it's incomprehensible!
Es incomprensible que la haya pasado por alto de esta forma.
It's incomprehensible that I should have overlooked it in this manner.
Es incomprensible y totalmente chocante...
It's incomprehensible and totally shocking...
Es incomprensible que Henrik... haya tenido el privilegio de amar a Anna.
It's incomprehensible that Henrik... had the privilege of loving Anna.
Es incomprensible en el mundo real.
It's incomprehensible in any kind of a real-world way.
Es incomprensible para mí... y para todos los que lo conocían.
it's incomprehensible to me... and to everyone who knew him.
–Realmente, es incomprensible… y muy lamentable.
‘Why, really, it’s incomprehensible … most disturbing.’
Eso es incomprensible desde mi punto de vista, como sueco.
From my Swedish point of view it's incomprehensible.'
Es incomprensible. Charlotte se extravía en un laberinto de análisis estériles. De nada vale.
It’s incomprehensible. Charlotte becomes lost in a labyrinth of futile thoughts. But it makes no difference.
Es incomprensible y grotesco y, querría que no me lo hubiese dicho. —Lo siento.
she said “It’s incomprehensible and grotesque and I wish you hadn’t told me.” “I’m sorry.”
Ese trato injusto para con Taiwán es incomprensible e insoportable.
Such unfair treatment towards Taiwan is incomprehensible and unbearable.
Creo que ello es también totalmente incomprensible para todos los presentes.
I believe that it is also utterly incomprehensible to all present.
Su falta de cooperación es incomprensible e inaceptable.
His failure to do so was incomprehensible and unacceptable.
Las etiquetas son incomprensibles para los camboyanos porque están impresas en tailandés o vietnamita.
The labels are incomprehensible to Cambodians as they are printed in Thai or Vietnamese.
Es incomprensible que su situación aún no se haya resuelto aún.
It was incomprehensible that their situation had not yet been resolved.
Para muchos esta agresión eritrea contra Etiopía ha sido incomprensible.
To many this Eritrean aggression against Ethiopia has been incomprehensible.
Sin embargo, de manera incomprensible, el Presidente la objetó y no la sancionó.
Incomprehensibly, however, the President challenged the law and refused to approve it.
Para Cuba, es incomprensible esta premura innecesaria y hasta perniciosa.
To Cuba, this unnecessary and even pernicious haste is incomprehensible.
Los métodos de Hamas son incomprensibles.
Hamas's methods are incomprehensible.
La escala y la brutalidad de las atrocidades fueron incomprensibles.
The scale and the brutality of the atrocities were incomprehensible.
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