Перевод для "era inexplicable" на английский
Era inexplicable
  • it was inexplicable
Примеры перевода
it was inexplicable
La crueldad y la brutalidad de sus actos son inexplicables.
The cruelty and barbarity of their actions are inexplicable.
La agresión de Eritrea es totalmente inexplicable.
The Eritrean aggression is totally inexplicable.
El retraso inexplicable ha obligado a la Comisión a acelerar el examen de las consecuencias para el presupuesto por programas.
That inexplicable lateness had forced the Committee to rush its consideration of the programme budget implications.
El querellante informó de la trágica pérdida de su hijo lactante y de las inexplicables medidas adoptadas posteriormente.
Complainant reported the tragic loss of her baby and the inexplicable action taken afterwards.
Sin embargo, el Gobierno de Beirut ha demostrado una increíble e inexplicable incapacidad de acción en este asunto.
Yet the Beirut Government has demonstrated an incredible and inexplicable inability to act on this matter.
Ese enfoque paradójico es inexplicable.
Such a paradoxical approach is inexplicable.
Sin embargo al día siguiente, de manera inexplicable, el Ministerio Público se retractó de su desistimiento.
The following day, however, the Public Prosecution Service inexplicably retracted its withdrawal.
Lamentamos profundamente que nuestros esfuerzos hayan encontrado una inexplicable indiferencia.
To our deep regret, our efforts met with inexplicable indifference.
- Justificar lo inexplicable recurriendo a terminología técnica;
- Justify the inexplicable by resort to technical terminology;
- O bien, modificaciones de la documentación existente que alteran de manera fundamental e inexplicable la naturaleza de la operación.
- Or changes in the existing documentation that fundamentally and inexplicably change the nature of the transaction.
Eso es todo lo que hubo. Era inexplicable.
That was all that happened. It was inexplicable.
De entrada, eso era ya inexplicable.
That, first, was inexplicable.
Entender lo inexplicable
Understanding the inexplicable
(Lo del repollo era inexplicable.
(The cabbage was inexplicable;
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