Перевод для "era distinta" на английский
Era distinta
Примеры перевода
Es lógico que distintos países tengan distintas prioridades y distintas ideas de lo que supone una amenaza.
It is natural for different countries to have different priorities and different threat perceptions.
A lo largo del período estival en los territorios afectados se produjeron muchos incendios distintos en lugares distintos, en momentos distintos y por motivos distintos.
Over the summer period, it appears that many different fires started at different places, at different times and for different reasons in the fire affected territories.
Señalar que personas distintas tienen valores distintos;
To identify that different people have different values
Distintos supuestos conducen a distintos resultados.
Different assumptions lead to different results.
En distintos países hay distintos grupos que son excluidos.
13. In different countries, different groups are excluded.
A los distintos Estados debería permitírseles adoptar distintas medidas de transparencia en distintas etapas.
Different States should be allowed to adopt different transparency measures at different stages.
:: ¿Variarán en distintas situaciones y para distintos sectores?
:: Will they vary in different situations and for different sectors?
- Posibilidad de distintos enfoques en distintas circunstancias;
- Possibility of different approaches under different circumstances;
Es inevitable que las distintas organizaciones, con distintos órganos rectores, tengan prioridades un tanto distintas.
It is inevitable that different organizations, having different governing bodies, will have somewhat different priorities.
—Eso era distinto. —¿Por qué era distinto?
‘That was different.’ ‘How was it different?’
Personas distintas, motivaciones distintas, papeles distintos.
Different people, different motivations, different rules.
Camina distinto, habla distinto, se comporta distinto.
Walks different, talks different, carries himself different.
Pero en contextos distintos somos cosas distintas para gente distinta.
But we are different things to different people in different contexts.
Era distinta, realmente distinta.
She was different, really different.
Tan distinto como distintas son las personas.
As different as people are different.
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