Перевод для "en los debates" на английский
En los debates
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in the debates
h) Debate político internacional continuo en el Debate sobre Hábitat.
(h) Sustained international policy debate through the quarterly Habitat Debate.
También celebró debates y debates públicos, cuatro de ellos a nivel ministerial.
It also held debates and open debates, including four at the ministerial level.
Ese es un debate importante y un debate que continuará.
That is an important debate and a debate that will continue.
Cierre del debate: Véase Debate
Closure of debate: See Debate
c) Aplazamiento del debate; d) Cierre del debate.
(c) To adjourn the debate; (d) To close the debate.
VII. Participantes en los debates interactivos y el debate general 102
Participants in the interactive debates and the general debate 107
En los debates hay ráfagas de antisemitismo.
In the debates there are bouts of anti-Semitism.
La CPD, que es una corporación privada co-presidida por los ex jefes de los partidos Republicano y Demócrata, decide a través de contratos secretos quién va a participar en los debates, y de qué se hablará en ellos.
The CPD, which is a private corporation co-chaired by the former heads of the republican and democratic parties, decide through secret contracts, who is going to participate in the debates, and what is going to be talked about.
No, me gusta...es inteligente, y se pone de mi lado en los debates, y es agradable de mirar.
No, I like him fine. I mean, he's smart, and he takes my side in the debates, and he's decent to look at.
Usen su nueva marca de TV aquí para verlo trapear a Bennett en los debates, ¿está bien?
Use your brand-new TV here to watch him mop up Bennett in the debates, okay?
El Juzgado dice que Stackhouse puede estar en los debates.
The district court says Howard Stackhouse can appear in the debates.
Su corte de pelo es cursi, y en los debates está demasiado interesado en los otros candidatos.
The haircut was hasty, and in the debates he's too interested in other candidates.
Baker se lo va a comer en los debates.
Baker's gonna chew him up in the debates.
Siempre me preguntan "¿Qué se considerará victoria en los debates?"
I always get asked,"What would be a win in the debates?"
Le pateará el culo en los debates
I mean, he'll kick his ass in the debates.
Naturalmente suscitará un debate, ¿y en qué consistirá ese debate?
Of course it will start a debate—but what will that debate consist of?
—Hay un poco de debate.
‘There’s some debate.
—Eso está abierto a debate.
That is open to debate.
El debate de los magos
The Magician's Debate
Sin discusiones, sin debate.
No arguments, no debate.
El debate continuará.
The debate will continue.
Pero ¿era realmente un debate?
But was it really a debate?
No habría discusiones ni debate.
There was to be no discussion, no debate.
Y continuó el debate.
The debate resumed.
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