Перевод для "ellos interrogaron" на английский
Примеры перевода
Durante una hora aproximadamente, le interrogaron y le recomendaron que confesara el crimen.
Over about an hour, the complainant was interrogated and advised to confess the crime.
Le interrogaron sobre su paradero el día de la violación.
He was interrogated regarding his whereabouts on the day of the rape.
P: ¿Los interrogaron mientras estaban detenidos?
Question: Were you interrogated while you were under arrest?
Agentes de la Secretaría de Gobernación, quienes le interrogaron acerca del EPR
Agents of the Ministry of the Interior, who interrogated him concerning the EPR
Rompieron la puerta, interrogaron a sus hijos y registraron la casa.
They broke the door down, interrogated the children and searched the house.
Cuando fue detenido lo interrogaron varias veces sin presencia de un abogado.
Upon arrest, he was interrogated on several occasions in the absence of a lawyer.
Después lo llevaron a la oficina de la Inteligencia Militar y lo interrogaron.
He was then taken to the Military Intelligence office and interrogated.
Interrogaron a los Reynolds.
They interrogated the Reynoldses.
—No, papá, no me interrogaron.
No, Dad. I wasn't interrogated.
¿Las mujeres que nos interrogaron?
The women who interrogated us?
—Los saudíes interrogaron a Talal.
The Saudis interrogated Talal.
cuando le interrogaron, lo admitió todo.
under interrogation he admitted everything.
¿Te interrogaron durante mucho tiempo?
How long were you interrogated?
—¡Pero le interrogaron! ¡Le golpearon brutalmente!
But they interrogated you! Beat you brutally!
De hecho, los inquisidores nunca la interrogaron.
Certainly, they did not interrogate her.
Para mi sorpresa y alivio, no me interrogaron;
To my surprise and relief, they hadn't interrogated me;
Lo interrogaron acerca del número de combatientes que había en la casa.
He was questioned about the number of fighters in the house.
Allí interrogaron a los soldados que lo habían golpeado.
There, they questioned the soldiers who had beaten up this child.
Los gendarmes lo interrogaron sobre su detención en el centro de Magenta.
Gendarmes questioned him about his detention in the Magenta centre.
Nos privaron de comida y bebida y nos interrogaron." (Ibíd.)
We were deprived of food and drink and questioned." (Ibid.)
Las autoridades libanesas no lo interrogaron sobre los homicidios que se le imputaban.
The Lebanese authorities did not question him about the alleged murders.
Me interrogaron por mi presunta colaboración con el Gobierno de Ramallah.
They questioned me on the charge that I was collaborating with the Ramallah Government.
Lo interrogaron acerca de la casa situada detrás de la suya.
They questioned him about the house behind his.
Los oficiales de policía que le interrogaron hablaban mal el tamil.
He was questioned in broken Tamil by the police officers.
Interrogaron a su hermano para que ésta confesara.
Her brother was brought in for questioning to extract a confession from her.
– ¿Interrogaron a Amanda?
Did they question Amanda?
—Le interrogaron en Malmö.
They questioned him in Malmö.
—¿Lo interrogaron otras personas?
“Other people questioned him?”
Ni siquiera me interrogaron.
They did not even question me.
—¿No interrogaron a nadie más?
“Didn’t they question anybody else?”
También interrogaron a mi mujer.
They questioned my wife as well.
—No nos interrogaron ese día.
We were not questioned that day.
—También la interrogaron, pero no tanto tiempo.
She was also questioned, but not so long.
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