Перевод для "ellos abofetearon" на английский
Ellos abofetearon
Примеры перевода
A algunas las abofetearon y a otras las golpearon en la cabeza o el vientre con la culata del fusil o con palos.
Some were slapped in the face and others struck on the head or in the abdomen with rifle butts or batons.
La sacaron de la cama a rastras y la empujaron a la alcantarilla, y también la abofetearon.
She was dragged out of bed and pushed into the gutter and also slapped.
Después la llevaron a la comisaría de policía, donde la retuvieron durante varias horas y la abofetearon.
She was then taken to the police station, where she was held for several hours and slapped.
Nos llamaron esclavas y nos azotaron repetidas veces con correas de cuero, nos golpearon y nos abofetearon.
We were called slaves and frequently beaten with leather straps, punched and slapped.
De acuerdo con las informaciones, después de interrogarla, la llevaron otra vez a su casa, donde los soldados la golpearon y violaron, y abofetearon a su hija.
After speaking to her, they are said to have taken her back to her home, where she was then beaten and raped by the soldiers, and her young daughter slapped.
Después presuntamente lo abofetearon, lo desnudaron y le apretaron violentamente en los testículos.
He was then allegedly slapped around, stripped naked and his testicles were squeezed violently.
No bien entraron me golpearon y abofetearon.
As soon as they entered they beat me and slapped me.
Mientras lo trasladaban a un campamento militar israelí, los soldados lo abofetearon varias veces, lo esposaron y le vendaron los ojos.
While being transferred to an Israeli military camp, the soldiers slapped him several times, handcuffed and blindfolded him.
Los agentes de la policía de Namibia la abofetearon, la agredieron y la golpearon varias veces con una vara.
Ms. Ashipala was slapped, generally assaulted and beaten a number of times with a cane by members of the Namibian Police.
Sus palabras me abofetearon.
           His words slapped at me.
—Los fascistas lo abofetearon. —¿Y bien?
‘The Fascists slapped his face.’ ‘Well?’
Le abofetearon unas cuantas veces más.
They slapped him a few more times.
Los guardias le increparon y lo abofetearon con sus manos ásperas.
The guards jabbered at him, slapped him with their roughened hands.
El niño recibió insultos y bastonazos, lo abofetearon y lo mataron de hambre.
The boy was cursed and caned, slapped and starved.
Los camisas negras no la abofetearon, ni la pegaron, ni nada peor.
The blackshirts hadn't slapped her or hit her or done anything worse than that.
Las contundentes palabras abofetearon a Aballister como si Dorigen le hubiese golpeado con una maza.
The blunt words slapped Aballister as if Dorigen had hit him with a mace.
Hojas enormes desfilaron ante su vista y abofetearon su rostro. «¡Nit! ¡Siri!
Fat leaves streamed past, slapping his face. Vorhees was calling, “Nit! Siri!
Sus captores lo abofetearon, lo patearon, lo obligaron a levantarse de nuevo para reiniciar la paliza.
Repeatedly his captors knocked him down, then kicked him, then forced him to stand and be slapped about again.
Me abofetearon sin piedad, tiraron de mí para ponerme en pie, me engancharon a la tirolina y me empujaron de la torre.
They slapped me viciously, pulled me to my feet, hitched me to the zip line, and shoved me off the tower.
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