Перевод для "desenfundar" на английский
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Has perdido Roma sin desenfundar tu espada.
You have lost Rome without unsheathing your sword.
Era el momento de desenfundar las garras del tigre.
It was time to unsheath the tiger’s claws.
– les ordenó a sus compañeros, sin desenfundar el suyo.
“Bows,” he told his companions, though he did not unsheathe his own stave.
Consigo desenfundar el cuchillo de mi padre mientras subo con dificultad la última colina.
I manage to unsheath my father’s knife as I stumble up the last hill.
Noté cómo se me erizaba la piel de los brazos cuando eché mano a mis riñones para desenfundar la daga.
I noticed that the hair on my arms was standing on end as I reached back to unsheathe my dagger.
Su voz insinuó un destello de ira, como un cuchillo a medio desenfundar, y ambos hombres proclamaron apresuradamente su inocencia.
Her voice held a glint of outrage, like a knife not yet fully unsheathed, and both men hastily proclaimed their innocence.
Su brillante vestido de color bronce se le pegó como una segunda piel cuando llevó la mano hacia atrás para desenfundar a Cortana y luego blandirla ante ella.
Her glowing bronze dress clung to her as she reached back and unsheathed Cortana, drawing it forward.
Los bardos cantan que ser Erryk dijo: «Te quiero, hermano» mientras desenvainaba la espada, y que ser Arryk respondió: «Y yo a ti, hermano» al desenfundar la suya.
The singers tell us that Ser Erryk said, “I love you, brother,” as he unsheathed his blade, and that Ser Arryk replied, “And I you, brother,”
Ni siquiera podían fumar sus propios cigarrillos, tenían que coger uno de los de Dwight y someterse a un prolongado ritual de ignición: desenfundar de su bolsita de terciopelo el encendedor Zippo con monograma;
They couldn’t even smoke their own cigarettes, they had to take one of Dwight’s and submit to a prolonged drama of ignition: the unsheathing of his monogrammed Zippo from its velvet case;
un alarido, un bramido y el sonido de la porcelana rota salieron de la ventana de la sala de estar de los Dursley, y, como se fuera la señal que Harry había estado esperando, dio un brinco al mismo tiempo que sacaba de la pretina de sus pantalones una varita de madera, como si desenfundara una espada, pero antes de poder levantarse por completo, su cabeza chocó contra la ventana abierta de los Dursley.
a shriek, a bellowed oath and the sound of breaking china came from the Dursleys’ living room, and as though this was the signal Harry had been waiting for he jumped to his feet, at the same time pulling from the waistband of his jeans a thin wooden wand as if he were unsheathing a sword—but before he could draw himself up to full height, the top of his head collided with the Dursleys’ open window.
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