Перевод для "desacreditarlos" на английский
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Por el momento lo único que quiero es desacreditarlos.
I just want to discredit them for the time being.
Desacreditarlos. —Sin duda tú podrías contar la verdad…
Discredit them.” “Surely you could tell them the truth—”
Una mala interpretación que menospreciara a otros sabios y buscara desacreditarlos tenía que ser evitada[277].
A mean-spirited interpretation that poured scorn on other sages and sought to discredit them must be avoided.
Los Bibliotecarios después utilizaron esos mismos nombres de individuos famosos para llamar a sus cárceles y, de ese modo, desacreditarlos. —Ah, vale.
The Librarians then named prisons after those same famous historical people to discredit them. “Oh, right,”
Se despejó así el terreno para que la derecha presentara argumentos egoístas en favor de otras alternativas más razonables, con un cinismo que sólo podía desacreditarles.
The field was thus left open for the Right to make a self-interested case for more defensible alternatives, with a cynicism that only discredited them.
Les habían quitado a sus ayudantes, habían dado sus despachos a otros, les habían puesto en covachas y rincones para inducirles a renunciar y, además, utilizaban cualquier desliz de un agente secreto en un lugar remoto para desacreditarles.
Their clerks were taken from them, their rooms were given to others, and they were lodged in mean holes and corners to induce them to resign, and the least slip of some remote agent was seized upon to discredit them. It was the same with those outside the administration.
Si no me llama, tenga en cuenta que mis colegas y yo consideraremos la posibilidad de realizar un anuncio preventivo para compartir su descubrimiento, contextualizarlo, desacreditarlo e intentar evitar el indecible daño que está a punto de causarle al mundo..., daño que, no cabe duda, usted no prevé.
If you do not call, be advised that my colleagues and I will consider a preemptive announcement to share your discoveries, reframe them, discredit them, and attempt to reverse the untold damage you are about to cause the world … damage that you clearly do not foresee.
No sólo para espiarlos, sino para infiltrar en sus filas informadores y agents provocateurs con objeto de perturbar su funcionamiento y desacreditarlos, y así, por las buenas, los demenciales miedos de los activistas de los sesenta se convertían en realidad, el Gran Hermano vigilaba efectivamente, y el soldado más fanático y leal de Nobodaddy, el menudo y achaparrado J.
Not just spying on them but infiltrating their ranks with informants and agents provocateurs to disrupt and discredit them, and just like that the nuthouse fears of sixties activists were turning out to be true, Big Brother had indeed been watching, and Nobodaddy’s craziest, most loyal soldier had been behind it all, squat little J.
El general afirma que estas acusaciones se inventaron para desacreditarlo porque criticaba abiertamente a las autoridades militares.
He claims that these charges were made up in order to discredit him since he was an outspoken critic of the military authorities.
Esta última condena al Gobierno e insiste en que se publique su informe para desacreditarlo ante la opinión pública internacional.
The Mission is condemnatory, and wants its report to be published so as to discredit the established authorities in the eyes of international public opinion.
Apenas finalizó la Conferencia Mundial contra el Racismo, la Discriminación Racial, la Xenofobia y las Formas Conexas de Intolerancia se desató una campaña para desacreditarla.
No sooner had the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance taken place, than there was immediately a campaign to discredit it.
Nuestro sistema judicial, conocido históricamente por su integridad, fue sometido recientemente a un examen minucioso que tenía el propósito de desacreditarlo.
Recently our judicial system, which is known historically for its integrity, was put under microscopic examination with a view to discrediting it.
De ese modo se considera al Gobierno del Iraq responsable de operaciones cuyo objeto es manchar su reputación y desacreditarlo.
The Government of Iraq is then held responsible for such operations, the aim being to sully and discredit its reputation.
Me parece que no podemos ni debemos damos el lujo de desacreditarla.
It seems to me that we cannot and must not allow ourselves the luxury of discrediting it.
El autor también sostiene que el tribunal de primera instancia incorporó juicios de valor en el "resumen de los hechos" para desacreditarlo, sin pruebas justificativas.
The author also complains that the court of first instance incorporated judgmental statements into the "summary of the facts" to discredit the author, without supporting evidence.
A defenderte y desacreditarle.
To defend you and to discredit him.
Alguien está tratando de desacreditarlo.
Somebody is trying to discredit him.
Intentan desacreditarla, asustarla.
They're trying to discredit you. They're trying to scare you.
Debería ser fácil desacreditarla.
It should be easy enough to discredit her.
¿Encontraste algo para desacreditarlo
Find anything to discredit him.
¿Busca razones para desacreditarlo?
Are you looking to discredit him?
Por lo que ella necesitaba desacreditarlo.
She needed to discredit him.
—Me interesaba sacarlo a la luz y desacreditarlo.
I wanted to discredit it.
Así que decide desacreditarlo.
So she decides to discredit him.
Gerry trató de desacreditarlo.
Gerry saw to it that you were discredited.
Posiblemente, para desacreditarla a usted como testigo.
Possibly to discredit you as a witness.
Moozh no se conformará con desacreditarla.
It won't be enough for Moozh just to discredit her.
—Pero ¿y si Frank prefería desacreditarlo?
But what if Frank wanted him discredited?
Primero hay que desacreditarlo, y eso no ha tenido lugar todavía.
He must be discredited first, and that has not happened.
–Ellos intentan desacreditarlo -dijo Lupin-.
“They’re trying to discredit him,” said Lupin.
El propio Stalin hizo mucho para desacreditarlo.
Stalin himself did a great deal to discredit it.
¿Asesinar a Alia? ¿Por qué? Sería mucho más fácil desacreditarla.
Alia? Why? They could discredit her too easily.
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