Перевод для "declinarlo" на английский
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Como mínimo, debería requerirse que el Estado denunciante planteara la cuestión de la competencia y que el Fiscal o la Corte pudieran declinarlos o remitir el caso, si parece existir un defecto de competencia grave.
At a minimum, the complaining State should be required to make a showing on the issue of jurisdiction and the Prosecutor or Tribunal would be able to decline or defer the case if there appears to be a serious jurisdictional defect.
En cualquier estado del proceso el tribunal que este conociendo de un asunto podrá declinarlo, mediante auto motivado, en otro tribunal que considere competente. [...]
At any stage of a trial, the court hearing a case shall be entitled to decline jurisdiction and, by means of a reasoned decision, refer the case to another court it considers to be competent. ...
¿Hay que declinarlo en genitivo?
Odd for ‘gift.’ Do you decline it in the genitive?
—¿En serio está considerando declinarla?
Are you seriously considering declining?
Es generosa, pero debo declinarla.
It is generous, but I must decline.
—Yo también recibí una invitación, pero por desgracia me vi obligado a declinarla.
I got an invitation myself but sadly I shall have to decline.
Robinson dice que le agradece y que se la ha planteado muy cuidadosamente antes de declinarla.
Robinson Elementary principal says he appreciates and has considered very carefully before declining.
Si no hay que declinarlo y no necesita preposición, a mí ya me va bien. – Se giró en la silla y me miró-.
'If you don't have to decline it and it doesn't need a preposition it sounds good to me.' He reared back in his chair and looked up at me.
Así, por mucho que simpatice con vuestra revolución, por mucho que me sienta honrado por vuestra invitación a participar, debo, con gran dolor por mi parte, declinarla.
So, much as I sympathize with your revolution, much as I am honored by your invitation to participate, I must with great regrets decline.
Esas mujeres eran adorables, seductoras y sin duda muy diestras —Glotón de Sangre se revolcó en el prostíbulo todo el tiempo que estuvimos allí—, pero la sola facilidad de tenerlas ,me hizo declinarlas.
Those women were adorable and seductive and doubtless skillful—Blood Glutton wallowed in lechery all the time we were there—but their very availability made me decline them.
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