Перевод для "de nariz ancha" на английский
De nariz ancha
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Uno era un polinesio enorme, de narices anchas y ojos vivarachos.
One was a hulking Polynesian with a broad nose and cheerful eyes.
Era un tipo corpulento, de nariz ancha y picado de viruelas.
He was a thickset man, with a broad nose and pockmarked skin.
Su nariz ancha parece una galleta triangular aplastada contra su cara.
A broad nose like a triangle biscuit smashed onto her face.
El rostro del hombre era plano, con una nariz ancha y una frente inclinada y gruesa.
The man’s face was flat with a broad nose and a sloping, thick brow.
Su nariz ancha se extendía por sus pómulos como una cereza aplastada.
He had a broad nose that spread out onto his cheeks like a flattened ground cherry.
Se parecía a su padre: era un hombre bajo y robusto de pelo negro y nariz ancha.
A stocky man with curly black hair and a broad nose, he took after their father.
La cabeza era estrecha y larga, la frente oblicua, los ojos pequeños, la nariz ancha, la boca gruesa.
The head was narrow and long, with a slanting forehead, small eyes, broad nose, thick mouth.
El segundo ingeniero, un hombre más joven de pelo graso y nariz ancha, estaba intimidado por la presencia de Kang.
The second engineer, a younger, greasy-haired man with a broad nose, was clearly intimidated by Kang's presence.
Era un hombre fortachón, de cabello rubio, ojos azules, nariz ancha y labios carnosos y sensuales.
Rodionov was a strong-looking man with fair hair, blue eyes, a broad nose and thick sensual lips.
Tenía una nariz ancha, en la que parecía que no quedara cartílago, y una cicatriz que le cruzaba la barbilla. Nick nos presentó:
His broad nose seemed to have lost most of the cartilage, and there was a scar along his jaw. Nick introduced us.
wide nose
Tenía la tez aceitunada, los ojos achinados y la nariz ancha.
He had olive skin and narrow eyes and a wide nose.
Muchas cabezas de pelo moreno, ojos oscuros y narices anchas.
A lot of dark hair and eyes, wide noses.
El hombre tenía una nariz ancha, una boca ancha y una barbilla cuadrada.
The man had a wide nose, wide mouth and square chin.
El hombre tenía la misma nariz ancha, tan parecida que el efecto era casi cómico.
The father had the same wide nose, so similar indeed that the effect was almost comical.
La nariz ancha se destacaba en el rostro firme de rasgos regulares; la boca era pequeña y bien formada.
The wide nose stood out on the firm, regular face, and the mouth was small and well shaped.
Martti Leino abrió los ojos a la cara redonda de nariz ancha y labios gruesos que había debajo de la suya.
Martti Leino opened his eyes to the round, wide-nosed, full-mouthed countenance below his.
Era un joven de veinte años rechoncho, poco agraciado, vehemente, con nariz ancha y una mata espesa de pelo castaño-.
He was a stocky youth of twenty years, earnest and homely, with a wide nose and a shock of thick brown hair.
Conservaba aquella forma peculiar de reírse, arrugando la nariz ancha y enseñando los dientes afilados.
He still laughed in his curious, animal fashion, suddenly wrinkling up his wide nose, and showing his sharp teeth.
un torques se anillaba en torno a su cuello, debajo de la doble papada y del rostro de nariz ancha y labios carnosos. —¿Tú quién? —le preguntó.
a golden torque coiled under his double chin and the wide-nosed, full-mouthed visage above. 'Who you?' he demanded.
Todas le parecían iguales, con la piel morena como madera de roble pulida, pómulos marcados, nariz ancha y ojos oscuros y serios.
They all looked the same to her, with brown skin like polished oak, high cheekbones, wide noses and dark, serious eyes.
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